Your article would have been more meaningful and tasteful if you had projected Modi as an Indian rather than as a hindu. There's hardly any difference between you and the other shameless american Indians who protested against Modi. If you really are an Indian as you claim, glorify Our Country rather than justifying/complaining against atrocities comitted by any religion. Religion is secondary when it comes to patriotism. But I am sure people like you will not accept that.
I totally agree with Raman who said the true facts of religion and their after affects of riots...esp when a Congress Govt was in power!!
I hope every indian would open their eyes and see what this religion influence is doing in politics and playing with people's life! i strongly object Christianity Conversions which are forceful and i feel a foriegn national shud not be in such a higher position in Indian Politics and try to rule our country when that person is not a Indian national by birth, and if we have allowed them to be so...we had already seen what happened to hindu religious leaders under that person's rule...God knows whats there in store for Hindus in their 5 year term of Power! As far as i know Muslim in the democratic india never "forced" Conversions to Islam, so i pay lot of respect to them.
Let Krishna come to World again and save Hindus from all of these real culprits!
If Hindus ask USA not to give VISA to Prez Musharraf because he is instigating Jihad against Hindus in Kashmir and so many kashmiris are living as refugees in their own country will they agree.If not then they should be ashamed of themselves.I think they are not against modi because of Gujarat BUT BECAUSE OF ANTI SONIA STAND OF BJP.But their very action made Modi a Hindu champion agaain.Sad for USA. They failed to achieve anything and Modi got back his people. aruna
Every indian shall feel the same way of Mr. Raman on the issue of Mr. Modi. If one has any differences with the fellow indian we shall sort it out our selves. Shall not allow any out siders to interfere.
Indian have not learnt lessons from the history of moguls to Britishers invading india.
One shall raise to the situation and condemn the act of US in one tone.
Extremely difficult to say who did it(US aside). One is inclined to believe however that was not have posible without tacit support from Cong (I). Though it is difficult to categorically state that.
Now for some facts. On denail of VISA while the govt. went into protest mode their sincerity is in doubt. The reason being that all big leaders of UPA remained silent spectators to the so called hurting of Indian pride by US. One would further state that all these leaders were very vocal in the aftermath of Gujarat though.
Going further, a minister from the current govt (Mr Vagehla) is on record stating that US did it right. What a contradiction (he is a sitting Minister and his stance is contrary to stated stance of the govt.) And further surprise is that he is not even questioned on it leave aside publicly reprimanded.
Now the final one. Cong (I) spokesman Mr Anand Sharma makes a statement criticising US for VISA denial but could not refrain from stating that Cong has reservations about Mr Modi (It betrays the tongue in cheek kind of thing by Cong).
Firends, those of you who always wondered how Britishers could divide and rule us this is the example.
You people might think that i am digressing from the article but i have noticed something very peculiar in these message boards. Whoever has opposed Modi has 90% of the time used an acronym as his name and out of these three fourths have written in very poor english. Well i am not trying to come to conclusions but this is too much of a coincidence. Could it be that the "less read ones" being easily influenced by emotional issues rather than rational ones, fall for this crap and become the Jaychands of India. Or could it be that the "less read ones" or the acronym-type belong to a particular community. Your guess is as good as mine.
The difference between other NETAS who might have connived at the killings of Muslims in the past and this Modi is that he is a bad mouthed person. He injures the feelings of Minorities, read Muslims and boast too much just to get a few votes. Communal preaching is not tolerated by any sane person. Regarding denial of VISA by any other country say USA is their right as much as that of India for any unwanted person, Say Osama bin Laden. As for me< I will never invite Modi to my house, because he is an unwanted person in my opinion and I am the master of own dwelling.Any qualms?