Excellent article SIR...This is the truth which the so-called secularists in India dont agree with...When they talk about communalism they target only Hindus...why not question the other religions??? And there is a group in tamilnadu who dont believe in GOD, but interfere in the affairs of temples like, they want the slogas to be told in Tamil...this is only for hindu temples, they dont have the guts to tell this to muslims...they pray in urdu...GENTLEMEN...If you are really so secular and so patriotic pls go and tell everyone not the hindus alone....It's our wish to pray however we want...Please dont forget even we are indians...
Quite surprisingly most of the people, atleast most of the Indian intellectuals, see things only in either black or in white( not even in just 'black or white'). The current case of Visa denial to Mr Narendra Modi exposes the pettiness of a country and a whole lot of people in not acknowledging the presence of something other than just Mr Modi in this whole situetion. A particular trait has been mentioned in the article, and indeed we Indians are dubioulsy unique in possessing it. This is certainly an uncharateristic B Raman article. Hopefully he doesn't later regret it.
Quite an article and how true it is. Mr SAN, keep your mouth shut cause people like you belong more to US then to India calling themsleve protector of freedom by massicuring thousands of innocent. The Hindusim never teach agression. and in the history of 5000 years INdia has never ever attacked any negiouber.
Hi Secular guys of India I have been thinking a similar article for you. Thanks writer, exposing the secular guys.
They only know to speak smart and get vote of hindus, minorities. Now they will not realise it, when their future generation will be in great trouble, that will be right time for them to realize but unfortunately the so-called these secular guys will not be around.
Days are not so far when a similar event in east pakistan will occur in India?????
While appreciating all ur fact findings from the history, i failed to understand why such hue & cry when permission was denied to Modi. as u only made it clear..its modi who made our heads down in shame...during godhra riots... In this era of globalization, we must remember that world is watching us...we all boast about ourselves being a big democratic nation...but wat about the black marks such as godhra..which will bring our pride down because of religious fanatics like modi.. i dont find anything wrong with the decision of US as it has exercised its sovereign right as a nation...and send the signal "that world is watching you".. it should be an eye-opener to us...& hencforth its better to take someaction against such communal forces before other nations makes fun of us...
Sir, while figuring out the reasons behind his denial to enter US...u brought the religion into picture & made all worthless assumptions in the name of proselytisations...even if its true also..its tit for tat for people like modi whose heels lie in their mouth..(as u only said)..
The Gujarat is spurred the following incident to start with ( The police should have controlled at that time) 1. The karsevaks who travelled by trains (apparently not paying the tickets) also wanted free food from the vendors 2. They abused the vendors on the platform and also consumed food and other things 3. Most of the Karsevaks were drunk (andpolice did not take any action )
You write well...but are confused. Either Modi has to own up some responsibility or he did his best to stop the riots in time. Simply because police used force after a month of rioting, and a lot of rioters died in firing, does not mean that Modi didnt do enough as soon as he could. He took action once his thirst for blood was satiated to some extent. Either Modi is a great leader trying to instill some "lost pride" of Hindus, though I fail to understand how killing Muslims restores pride, or he is simply a dangerous man playing a dangerous game of passion politics...you decide. And to call NRIs who are working against the likes of Modi anti-national, and to comment that secularists think that only Hindus and not Christians and Muslims can do wrong is foolishness your part. All communities have their fringe elements, and for Hindus thats Modi.
US has strongly condemned the proposed pipeline. Is this an issue which has also been a determinant- to downgrade India or Indian leaders(not that I am a great fan of this particular leader)a sort of a harbinger of days to come when India does not play upto US, as the erstwhile govt. had been doing. Ofcourse there is a strong bengali and tamil christian lobby in the US which has been opposed in gujarat often in the past.