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construction of edifice of faith
by Ram on Mar 13, 2005 09:20 PM  Permalink 

This goes to prove the universality of faith. For God is no different for a Hindu or Muslim. I am sure there are many such examples which need to be brought to the public notice to increase awareness of Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man. Thanks to rediff for such a news

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Indeed Great
by Colonel SS Rajan on Mar 13, 2005 09:03 PM  Permalink 

Indeed Great. I salute Noor Fatmi for her Courage & Conviction.

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God is love trust
by rohit roy on Mar 13, 2005 08:41 PM  Permalink 

This is an ultimate and heart warming news. The religions leaders are close to none...neither the peoples nor the god.
Peoples like Fatimah restores believs in God, whether you call it Allah or Shankar.
Really heart touching news which must be conveyed to each and every citizen of India.

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by Imran on Mar 13, 2005 07:18 PM  Permalink 

I wonder if rediff's standard's gone so down that it has to carry these kinda unsensational,nonpurposeful and boring news at the top of its website..
Its ridiculous man.. god coming to her dreams and asking her to create shiva's temple. one thing's that sure is that if this work was done on some devotional basis and not on professional then she is no longer a muslim.. why? ask any knowledagble muslim or refer quran.

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Thank you
by satyaram on Mar 13, 2005 07:04 PM  Permalink 

First of all thank you for publishing the news .

I sencerely thank the woman for efforts.

Proud to be an Indian.


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