I m very glad to read this article we all have been fighting for our religion,our prestige and never realized that the thing is we are humans, y fight for religion when we know everything is going to be over one day. I respect Noor Fatima for her deed.Wish every citizen realises this essential fact that we all are one and sharing each other's tradition culture language is great learning and gives happiness this is what i have learnt when i came to US where u meet people from all parts and learn something new,
It is really astonishing to see that some muslims are so shameless and aweful who dare to do such acts.
The money could have been spent to feed the poor people who dont have a single grain to eat. Also Benaras already has heaps of Hindu Temples, so there is no need to build more.
So Madam Noor Fatima, dont repeat the mistke done by Emperor Akbar, open your eyes and realise what is wrong and what is right.
Being a lawyer you should be able to judge the real character of Hindus of India, just look at the history of India after the British period and see yourself.
i'm glad to read this article as there are still good people in this world and who think beyond the boundaries of religion castes etc.......i must congratulate for all the people involved in it.... vs
It is really wonderful to see this type of news and my congratulations to sister. This is our India. May God give her strength and success in her endeavour.Jai Hind.Jai Bharat Matha.
A person can be called a muslim if & only if he beleives in only one almighty god ie ALLAH. The moment anyone beleives in deities other than ALLAH he becomes a disbeleiver (Kafir). This is the very basic concept of Islam. Also the type of dream which she has seen is something which inspires her to do certain acts which is against the tenets of islam and according to islam such dreams are from the devil - saitan. hence according to Islam she is a friend of saitan and thus an enemy of Islam.
This is the kind of secularism that India has, and should be proud of. Not the congress-communist brand of opportunist pesudosecularism. On the face of it, one can see the purity of intent of the lady.
Comrades, do something quick! If honest secularism takes birth in both communities, you will soon become history.