if the money had been used in some constructive work such as a school,dispensary for the poor or even a water piaau i would have felt that it was rightly utilised.there are already so many places of worship in india.one wonders that the god didn't come in her dream and asked her to do ne thing constructive.maybe gods have become selfish too.
BRAVO!! to u fatima!!! i appericiate the work tht u have done,and not me alone but every muslim brother has to feel proud of it...because this is wat ISLAM teaches us RESPECT to all religion! And this is the right example tht u have set to the whole WORLD-WIDE!!
we appreciate your efforts in fulfulling in building the temple.
but at the same time pl think is so many temples, mosques, church required when there are many such places of workship which does not even have a proper care, and is left abonded, i am not against any reliigion but at the same time think twice, there are many such places of workship which are in the middle of the roads obstructing everyone, let all the religious leades come together in joining hands to merge such type of religious places with some other religious places which do not obstruct any one.
this way we give more respect to the respective god.
Bravo!! Inspite of all odds, you went ahead with your noble work, Fatima. No amount of words can convey my respect to you for the step you have taken towards accomplishing communal harmony and showing that no matter whether you pray to Allah, Shiva Jesus , or any other God, we are all ONE! I BOW TO YOU!
The act shows that we are not different ....but it is polticians who claim to be secular always talk in terms of Hindu , muslim and all. It is right time for us to realise 1st of all we are indian and we are human ....and all this mandir and masjid are place of worship ....worshiping almighty .....and it cannot teach us to fight ..wat it teaches us to be united ...so lets us take a solemn vow ..if u see a poltician talking in terms of Hindu or muslim or sikh ....then realise wat he is trying to do is divide the society .....let us make a simple rule ...A Poltician should always use Indians instead of majority or minority or hindu or muslim or sikh......... This is a great preaching by an indian lady ... and it is right time to realise we are indian. Shame on u polticians and those who sell religion for their benifits. Jai HInd
This symbolizes the oneness we share in our hearts and the respect towards each other's religion. I really appreciate the unity shown by the Gangeshpur locality people and special regards to Noor Fatmi and her family. I think our politicians should take a leaf out of this chapter and instead of indulging in cheap politics , blaming each other on religious facts like Godhra,masjid issue, should think about uniting the nation and work towards its development.