knowingly you r insulting the martydom of our soldior without knowledge of wt they r doing for what and for whom. Understand the strategic information of the land there with respect to the history (pakistan),international geo-political map,future of the region.
sir, this is odd,our soldiers have died defending us and u seem to demean thier duty/sacrifice.its a cheap portrayal and even describes how we as indians can be derogatory of ourselves......if a pakistani is drawing such a cartoon he would have rather written:"killed by a indian/therefore ATTAINED MARTYRDOM"
Dear Sir, Your symbolic picture depicts one reality of the glacier. You are requested to understand and analyse the startegic importance of this part and then weigh the situation. Presenting one sided analysis (Refer the entire analysis of 1962Indo - China debacle) will definitely lead to the diplomatic blindness incurring in direct and indirect national loss. I hope my message is clear. Regards N.y.Choudhary