The same site ( TRC )has the African National Congress listed as a terrorist organisation. Will the Congress be ready to remove the Bharat Ratna conferred to Nelson Mandela by the Indian Government for being assosiated with the ANC, a terrorist organisataion?????
And again the same site has Oshoites listed as \"Terrorists\"... To me this site is operated on someone elses behest for some vested interests. And we Indians should not take this seriously. We know what RSS stands for and what they are doing. But, sure their existence is making things difficult for lot of forces who would like to see the destruction of India... That is the naked truth.
Notice how the many knickerwallahs have criticized the Congress. All that the Congress did was to bring out a fact about what a US website says. Instead of slamming the US website, these pea-brained knickerwallas turn to the Congress. Anyway, so whats new. The knickerwallah's sure are terrorists besides a burden on society. They excel in acts of violnce, mayhem, murder, loot, terrorism.
Congress is behaving in the same old way of immaturity and hypocracy. RSS when the entire RSS stands for unity of India, patriotic and nationalist organization, it is ridiculous to say that it is in terrorist org. Congress is doing minority appeasement working on vote bank politics, stupidity to talk about like this. when congress will learn behave marturedly and with a sense of constructiveness??
The US calling the RSS a communal is understandable. But our people supporting them is very unfortunate. Its shocking that the congress is asking for a enquiry into this matter. this shows how low can people stoop for politics and power. Now it is up to the public to decide who are nationalists and who are not. The statement 'links with RSS' is really heart renting. As Gandhiji said, this kind of politics with out principle would surely destroy us.
usa and the lady must be congratulated for their comments that they have put rss, vhp and the bajrang dal on the international map of terrorrism. these parties have their presence felt only in selected states of india.
the usa and congress having entered into several pacts, have probably made one more unsigned pact.