Dear brothers and sisters (London) myself and on behalf all brothers ans sisters(India) condemed this act and feels this was sheer act of cowardice.. People who have died in this blast were mere innocent people who had nothing to do with this and had no clue as to what was in store for them. I feel the master brain machine behind this act is imposter to the country and also to th mankind and should be given treatment for their life
RE:crime against humanity
by Rai on Jul 12, 2005 10:17 AM Permalink
Mr.Clifford, Why are you jumping like a mustard seed. Looks like Raman has hit the nail straight on the head and you just do not want to accept that its right. Guess you are from US oof A & if you are not then do not act like one. Rai.
RE:crime against humanity
by Atul Patel on Jul 10, 2005 06:17 PM Permalink
Each and every country are responsible for the terrorists. Stop making yourself feel better!
RE:crime against humanity
by priya on Jul 08, 2005 10:49 PM Permalink
Accept it Mr.Clifford. There are more to come. This is just the beginning for another WORLD war.
Your comments about where the Al-Qaeda will strike next is unnecessary. Will you take responsibility if they use your 'ideas' for a next terrorist attack. I dont understand how you can be so irresponsible.
RE:Ref: Al Qaeda again: B Raman
by bliss on Jul 08, 2005 05:33 PM Permalink
Sage is very correct in identifying Saudi Arabia,Pakistan in promoting Jihad but both are staunch allies of USA who helps them with the latest technology and dollars to keep them prospering. Can't we say that it is USA which is indirctly responsible for Jihad. Din
What goes around, does come around. While India was fighting terrorism, the Western attention was very subdued and in favour of the terrorists rather than the fact that India was under attack. 9/11 changed all that and the attacks in Spain and Uk just goes to prove that unless terrorism is hit at the source, it just adds to everyones problem.
As everyone knows, source is easy to find: Saudi Arabia for Money, Pakistan for Technology and African / Pakistan, Afghan nationals for the numbers (People).
Attacks in UK
by Anonymous on Jul 11, 2005 12:35 PM Permalink
I concur with you, but had the US and UK stopped their partying during Christmas and New-Year eve when the hijacking of the IC-814 happened then the probability of 9/11 or 7/7 happening would have been very less becoz the militants released at that time were the most dreaded ones. US and UK diplomats dont know how to handle issues and complex situations, power and their white color of skin has given them a sort of thinking that they are supreme and no one else exists in this world to question. Anyway for toilet brooms like Al-Qaeda has to be dealt with toilet brooms like US, UK and Israel not with a "peace loving" mentality of Indians, becoz Al-qaeda understands only force and they dont understand any reason.
surely these attacks on london were barbaric but i believe that this is high time for all the western powers to learn from their past mistakes. supporting countries which support terrorism and giving them F-16s and missiles will cost them more WTCs and similar incidents over london. i don't believe that just to kill 40 people these terrorists attacked london. they had something even more sinister in mind. all the countries in the world should be taking much more care from now onwards as there is a serious war coming and this is just the begining of the THIRD WORLD WAR...
Though the blasts are will be a good lesson for UK and other European countries which have for long turned a deaf ear to the Jihadi Terrorism in Kashmir and other parts of India.At that time,they were talking about human rights of Islamic barbarians.The preciseness and timing of the blasts confirm it to be the trademark AL Qaeda attack.
Wake up call for the west
by Vijaya Kumar on Jul 08, 2005 07:06 PM Permalink
True, Clinton's secretary of state said on CNN that there was no evidence terrorism in Kashmir has conncection to Pakistan. She said it appears to be a local struggle. While our sorrow and sympathy goes out those affected, the same governments totally ignored the plight of 100s of thousands in India.
Mr. Raman, I am not sure where you got the message that Al-Qaeda was behind the London blasts. Was it from some stupid website which claimed that Al-Qaeda was responsible for the same? If so, how naive can you get? Is this journalism? If so, welcome to the world of cyber crime - let me tell you this - I can create a website and have it written on the site "designed and maintained by Raman" and also claim that the Babri masjid demolition was your idea - all for under 1000 Rs. And what happened to the WTC attack - Al Qaeda was blamed for that too - and what evidence does the US or CIA have for that - NONE whatsoever. And here, before BBC or CNN "officially" announce that it's their handiwork, you have come rather leaped to the conclusion. Please maintain the lowest level of dignity a journalist or a writer has to maintain by confirming the facts and truths before posting it. I too hate terrorist organizations like any other normal citizen but then I don't blame Al-Qaeda or LeT for the death of my pet cat 12 years back. Hope I make my point clear. Regards,
RE: I m agreed with Sandeep
by apnabusiness on Jul 09, 2005 07:47 PM Permalink
Its for bliss22
Well Sandeep is right it could be any one not Al-Qaida.
Why AL-Qaida ? How u (editor ) can blame them? Do u have any proof for it if not than keep quite. U are asking for proof of any other organiztions but do u have any proof its Al-Qaida.
Well whatever but Act of terror is done. Blaming here n there could not do anything.
London Attack
by Patel on Jul 09, 2005 10:12 AM Permalink
I fully agreed to the views of sandeep menon. i am software engineer. i know this attack is a political one no doubt about it. i live in sydney what extent can people do crime hre the govt knows very well. if i purchase 10 mg of any chemical i have to show my identity and the purpose of use of chemical. after 10 min of investigation then only i can purchase a ordinary chemical.if chemical belongs to some explosion forget about buying it.just forget the chemicals, u can't purchase a medicines with out doctor prescription it doesn't matter how emergency u are in.for every platform whether it is for train, Airport, bus station inevery public place there is suveliance camera. even in trains and buses. so there is no chance of getting a crime here. even if does culprit will be caught in hours or even minutes. so in my opinion there is some one with political power is making this to happen for gain which can be unknown to human beings. Al-qaeda can be destoyed and osama can be killed in 1-2 days but they are alive.because U.S don't want them to destoyed and killed.even Top BBC, CNN other are the puppets of U.S what they say every people will accept even our national media broadcast it
RE:Please confirm the truth before posting
by bliss22 on Jul 08, 2005 05:23 PM Permalink
Mr. Menon your point is not clear.Why did you flare up if Raman blames Al-qaida for N.york/London blasts. Or do you have some secret information that it was some other organization/people who perpetrated this dastardly act. If you have Pl. share it with us. Din
RE:Please confirm the truth before posting
by Taher Syed on Jul 13, 2005 10:05 AM Permalink
Nice to read the replies.
It is my childhood story. A poor man from a village was going to city to sell his cow, in draught. Three cheats find him going, and on the way they stand a distances. First one meets and asks the villager to sell his dog for a good offer. The Villager was very angry for telling his cow a dog. The same tactic is repeated by the other two cheats, and finally before reaching the city, the villager ends up selling his cow at the dog price.
The idea behid the article and in some responses here, and in general in West, is to make Muslims terrorist. Intentionally or unintentionally, But it is so.
As in one of the reply, the proof is asked that AlQayeda is not involved. Weired, does it mean that any terrorism without proof should go in the accuont of Alqayeda? Being a muslim i belive and Islam declares such Acts Haram or Totally unislmaic. But, even if it is done by Alqayeda, we know AlQayeda from west. It is 100% correct that US and allies have set it up. Now they need this name for their wishe rule the world. Why cant US tolerate if India is buying gas from Iran, becoz it does not want India or others to grow!! So even Ayodhya attack is for the same.