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Restrain USA
by Dr Aboobakar Thwahir on Jan 29, 2005 12:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

After exit of USSR from the claim of another superpower, USA left alone in the world with lot of enthusiasm to become the lone superpower and the only one policeman of the world. It is its dream that all nations should fear USA if they want to remain free otherwise uncle sam will teach them lesson by using its weapon might. Bush has become the President of USA for the second time to the detriment of world opinion about his mischievous deeds. Now he is itching to spread his war on terror on Iran after totally bleeding Iraq. He is driven by mafia of arms dealers and zionist thugs. He is posing a danger to all nations and it is the duty of UNO to arrest his onward march by explsion of USA from UN memberhsip for his unilateral action in Iraq and his new menacing threat against Iran, which is a progressive nation. He cannot teolerate progress and plenty except for his own country. Remember he did not share with South east Asia the Tusmani warning. Is UN listening?

Dr Aboobakar Thwahir,


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RE:Restrain USA
by Jaffer on Mar 13, 2006 10:33 AM  Permalink
Hi Animish,

Isreal won the wars with Arabs with sophisticated US weapons, while Arabs had nothing. You should also remember the yom kippur war on 1973, in which Egypt almost sweaped into Isreal. The war stopped because of US intervention, it did want its ally to loose the war.

US should take the initiative by abolishing all the nukes, as it is saying that it is a responsible state. The world should remember they are the ones who used it against Japan and killed lakhs of people.

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RE:Restrain USA
by nickel on Mar 13, 2006 01:15 PM  Permalink
Is it not the Iraqis that are bleeding themselves? Most of the bombings and killings in Iraq seem to be between the Shia and the Sunnis. Almost daily there is a bombing in an Iraqi market, mosque, school, or hospital. Why do we not hear any outcry from the moslem world about these killings?

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Bennett's biases
by Lionel Baptista on Jan 27, 2005 02:50 PM  Permalink 

Bennett reveals his many biases against the US in quoting the Mossadegh fiasco of another era. Just about every major European "power" has dealt dishonestly with Iran - France sold exocet missiles while russia sold nuclear knowhow secretly through the 90s. Nothing wrong with econuraging the toppling of a corrupt thuggish and murderous regime - the people of Iran are not the rogue Sunnis of Iraq and will be the happiest

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US invasion of IRAN
by Azimali on Jan 19, 2005 10:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Your column was a good insight into the bullying tactics undertaken by US. First it was invading IRAQ under the pretext of removing nuclear weapons. I can still recall President George Bush statements "We will disarm Saddam Hussein". What did you disarmed Saddam Hussein of? US officers threw in the towel after searching for weapons and no trace of them were found.
Americans have made a wrong choice by selecting George Bush. Do they really feel safe now that Saddam Hussein is in prison? They need to be aware of what is right and what is wrong. Right minded Americans need to come and stop George Bush before he again commits a crime of killing thousands of innocent people.

With regards


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RE:US invasion of IRAN
by Saif on Dec 27, 2006 05:19 PM  Permalink
Why should u critisize iran.. do u even think Israel i legal.

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discouragement of nuclear materials
by DBG on Jan 19, 2005 08:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think we must advise Iran that the nuclear materials are against human beings so just abandon the nuclear activitirs.As far as the attack is concerned world community must guarantee that such action is not initiated by the Americans.I am sure there are humans living in America.

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RE:discouragement of nuclear materials
by nickel on Mar 13, 2006 01:21 PM  Permalink
The one thing I don't understand from people like you is why do you always criticize the US, but never Iran when Iran makes mistakes.

The Iranian president said publicly that he wanted to wipe Israel off the map. The Iranians continue to fund and support various terroist networks in Israel. These actvities should be criticiszed by all fair minded people. If we are to criticize Pakistan for supporting terror networks in Kashmir, then we have to condemn Iran for doing the same in Israel.

The fact is that Russia gave Iran a golden opportunity to avoid the crisis by offering to jointly develop nuclear processing facilities outside of Iran. The Iranians refused. It is they then who bear the responsibility for what happens next.

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America will not repeat the mistakes. I think they will learn from Mistakes!!
by Mr X on Jan 19, 2005 07:17 PM  Permalink 

I don't think America will make the same mistake which they did in Iraq. Had they invaded Iran prior to Iraq, they would have got the support of Iraq with its population and 75% of Iranian population. Now it looks like America even cannot stand up!! You may find it funny, but the fact is like that. Euro is smiling standing on the weakest dollar. Gold is taking all cash as people don't know whether America will cheat them or not cheat them. Financial enterprises are running right from Euro to Gold to Indian stock market and real estate. They no more believe in America.

The body bags reaching from Baghdad crossed thousands long time ago. America may escape from Iraq with life after the nominal election, this year. No way they will invade Iran like they did in Iraq. I think they are brilliant people and they make mistakes, but learn from it.

They tried in Afghanistan to go it alone. Failed. Then retreated and took the company of Rebels and attacked again and succeeded. In Iraq, their earlier plan was miserably failed. Then, took a breath and regrouped and... atleast they saved their face. But, I think they may be more than willing to strike n bases, but not

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Next Target - Iran
by masood on Jan 19, 2005 06:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

By targeting Iran,US will only accrue the problems it has acquired through Iraq.US must understand that it cannot simply afford to this.USA has already worsen the situation in Iraq with its over-ambitious plans and would have the same fate as that of Soviet Union.USA is trying to police the world especially the muslim world with its imperialistics objectives and hegemony.

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RE:Next Target - Iran
by nickel on Mar 13, 2006 01:26 PM  Permalink
The problem in Iraq was that the US underestimated the Sunni/Shia split. The Sunni were in power under Hussain, but the Shia are the majority, so now they have power, hence the conflict. If you look at the headlines now mostly the killings are between Iraqis. Very rarely do you see American casualties.

In Iran the situation would be very different. I have a feeling that the majority of Iranians would welcome a US invasion. The Iranian people are suffering from the harsh autocratic rule of the Ayatollahs. The people themselves want a new, more moderate government.

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