Eveen fighting terrorism nearly 15 years, we still could not teach ourselve the tactice to fight terrorists. In the act of killing two terrorists, we have to spare six lives, 2:6 game. Their goal is fulfilled. This, in no way show our sincerity in this game, as everytime, we are still the loser. It's time we care for damage control, and wining a game with minimum casualty. Better train internal security forces in a virtual lab than our soldiers. We shouldn't neglect that.
and we still need to try to maintain good relationship with Pakinstan. What about our jawans?? So many people and soldiers have been killed till today and it is not going to stop just by having cricket matches and bus services. Our government really don't care about our own people. We need to take strong action.
this is the situation when the terrorists have to go past ground sensors and barbed wires.... imagine what will happen when these guys will come riding the peace bus from muzaffarabad!!!! i guess our security forces will get tons of oppurtunities to flaunt lots of silverware (oh i forgot.. not everyone might be alive to flaunt them!!) yeah i know this is a ploy by the terrorists to destabilize the peace process... but really i can see lots of processes happening ... where is the peace??
i have been hearing from the last so many years that the militants attacking again and again... but i would like to say that we should have to be offensive instead of defensive......
There is no solutation of J & K problem as well as terriorism there except to remove artical 370 because Pakistan as well as militant do not want J & K remain the part of India. Pakistan is right behind these militants so we should talk to him accordingly.