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Sangh Parivar is from Devil
by Takodara on Feb 15, 2006 10:43 PM  Permalink 

Children os Deavils are the members of Bajrang Dal and so called pariwar.

What good can come out of them? These guys are on thier way to hell.

Voe unto them.


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Go right ahead
by raj on Dec 25, 2005 11:59 AM  Permalink 

I am with you guys. Don't stop at any cost. We have waited too long already for this.

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Sick Bajrang Dal
by MAHALAKSHMI on Feb 15, 2005 12:50 PM  Permalink 

when did Bajrang Dal activists become the moral police of the nation?
all the Bajrang Dal activist should walk around in dhotis ( hey even jeans and trowsers have come from the west)

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cultural destruction
by prattipati on Feb 13, 2005 09:58 PM  Permalink 

the idiot box is doing more harm than good in india. it is destroying the environment and indian culture.
It is promoting mad consumerism, materialism and stress and obesity among other evil things.

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by Prads on Feb 13, 2005 04:41 PM  Permalink 

Through V-Day "an attempt is being made to spoil Indian culture"?? What rubbish! I think these so called activists should first go and learn the reasons for celebrating this day.

If lord Krishna could flirt around with the gopis, why can't the youth of today express their feelings towards their beloved? V-Day is not only for "boys" and "girls" but for everyone. I would rather suggest these activists to spend some quality time with their spouse, children, family or lover instead.


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Bajrang Dal
by Sudarshan on Feb 13, 2005 04:32 PM  Permalink 

This shows the reason why BJP lost the election and why they are now grappling with a rapid loss all over the country.

Their grassroots workers are basically focussed on non issues like boys and girls meeting each other...Iam sure the Sangh and all its other constituents can focus on garnering support they would be much better served.

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Sangh plans to spoil V-Day party
by Mohan on Feb 13, 2005 01:57 PM  Permalink 

I think this move of Bajrang Dal is ultimately meaningless. It is hard to understand what these people are going to get by spoiling the peaceful life of others. This activity of them may induce rivalry between them and those who like to celebrate V-day. The results of these are known. It would be useful if they do some constructive work than activities like these.

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goondas of india
by sunny on Feb 12, 2005 11:54 PM  Permalink 

what else can u expect from a goonda party,who are shame for a democratic and peace loving country like inida.its none of their bussiness to stop us celebrating valentines day. This is all part of gaining publicity nothing more than that, i dont believe that there is not even a single guy in so called bajrang dal who dont have a girl or who dont go on date,if thats true then are these guys or ????? such stupid ideas can only originate from a party/dal which has nothing usefull to do in life.

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