The article despicably tries to make scapegoats of the security forces, asserting expectations akin to asking security men to catch bullets in their teeth. No such supermen exist -- neither in India, nor anywhere. Get with the program, Rediff. Get with the real world. By your ugly standards, NY firemen and policemen killed in the WTC collapse should be faulted for not running out of the way fast enough. Such churlish fault-finding which totally excludes any criticism of political circles acting as apologists for terrorism and anti-national movements throws the credibility into the toilet of those who publish such garbage.
How is it possible for this 'terorist' to access this venue, then shoot five people, killing one and then escape totally undetected - not a single person saw this person either coming or going? Hard to believe, right? Impossible. As for the police, it's an open secret that Inidan 'police' are notoriously inept, incompetent and unprofessionally, being so ill-trained, ill-equipped and ill-led - just a bunch of greedy, corrupt, amoral thugs in ill-fitting uniforms.
We Indians are a proud lot. We should be very proud that we have reached the finesr level, at least, in this game. And talented players are there at every level of our democracy, starting from the two bit local dada to highest level of administration to national level. Let us enjoy our achivement. And let us not be impressed by the insignificant spoil sports.
"I am sure the police should have acted much better than this, as the police station is stone's throw away. They should not say that they were not aware when, as I learnt, they were warned about such an incident well in advance," a US-based lady scientist who is in the campus for conducting research said on condition of anonymity.
How did Rediff help the lady to maintain her anonymity? by diclosing following facts?
1) She is Scientist ( why do need to mention the gender?)
2) She is US-Based (Why do you need to specify her country?)
Police is lazy and laid back. Its time they woke up and took charge. The commissioner should start drills and excercise so that the inspectors can shed their wieght and get back in shape. They are more in the news closing disco and pubs at 11.30 at night than doing vigilance !!!! WAKE UP!!