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CPI asks Natwar to step down
by P.S.Rao on Dec 03, 2005 01:21 PM  Permalink 

For ages we know that Natwar Singh was very much attached to Indira Gandhi family, during her lifetime. Whatever we hear about him today is not strange. It was expected, since a man is known by the company he keeps.
To rehabilitate himself, Natwar should now follow the path of Mahatma Gandhi, which is diametrically opposite to the political ways of the other Gandhi family (not related to Mahatma Gandhi in any way).

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CPI asks Natwar to step down
by labrea on Dec 03, 2005 01:17 AM  Permalink 

Everything that casts light on the criminal conduct of the Left are labelled "imperialist conspiracy", like that scandal involving Soviet "imperilaist" Mitrokhin and this Volcker scandal. Only in India with its brainless masses can these comrades continue to be "liberator" and protector of the peoples proletariat, every other ex-commie nation having already consigned them to the dustbin of history, except whacky, totalitarian North Korea and Cuba, both basket cases.

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