Congressmen have this terminal weakness of accepting the wrongdoings of their VALUED colleagues.Whether it was Bofors or current Volcker issue , they can't rise to the occasion and point out the facts of the case.Silencing somebody like George Fernandes on very logical point reflects the character of politicians who ,unfortunately,are making mess of the governance and gradually contributing in a big way to reduce people's faith in our system.
Looks like the author has taken upon herself to defend Mr. Singh and the monolithic Congress party.STOP sensationalizing news, and report it like it happened.
Fancy titles may give you more hits for the article but will the quality (or lack of it) pull them back ?
So What? The US and its allies have no moral right to point fingers at anybody. They are the ones who created Saddam and then dethroned him as and when they needed. Whatever Natwar Singh may have done cannot even come for a comparison to that.
When we have Ambassadors of such high credbility and Morals,the country should feel itself blessed.As the saying goes "where there is smoke there is fire", and surely there must be something to it!!!But TWO questions do come to mind,as an ordinary citizen.Why did Mr.Marhrani NOT tell this to his Own Ministry when he was a witness to the wheeler/dealer operation, and what is the Code of Conduct which guides an Ambassadors public utterances.I do hope His Excellency Mr.Anil Mathrani has his conscience clear on both the above.I keep my fingers crossed in this regard.Hope the Fire and Smoke, ani(in Sindhi)doesnot just become a hazy affair.
Now what Congress will do? They will show the door to Natwar Singh like they did it to Mr. Sukhram and again take him back in due course in a similar way. This will allow them to claim that the tainted Minister is removed from the party so it is a clean party. What about the earlier tall claims by P.M. (clean chit?) and other Congress leaders? If Mr. Natwar Singh is involved then it is not unlikely that congress party is not involved.