It is very nature to hear that a female guy in german achived the top position which is immaginable in india but in tamilnadu Dr.Puratchi thazhavi AMMA (Mother) done without any help but by the support of poor peoples who beleived she will lift and grant their lives in to great improvement and that is what happening in tmilnadu.Really i feel happy to wish you regarding the top star of europe you will do the best for the people and we expect as like our honourable Dr Amma,should come over all risks and do the best for the PEOPLE.
It is good for me to congradulate and to prey the LORD to help you to achivie the BEST.
Angela Merkel is a rightwinger if I rember rightly but I believe that pressures of position will affect her decision making esp coz it is a lumpy coalition.. btw this is bizarre but what the heck is this the same maverick from Rxpg
On hearing that you become the first women leader of Germany i am happy as in india and in Tamilnadu our honourable chiefminister Dr puratchi thazhavi jayalalitha AMMA(MOTHER) who did the great achievements in indian politics for the first time to become chief minister without nominatted by central government of india and because of peoples marvlous support.Please be in touch with our honourable AMMA to get succes in every decision while you are taking for the peoples of germany with mankind.I once again congradulate you as the Puratchi thazhavi of german and you will create New History which speaks in future as you are the raising star of the world on following the market thatcher of england and Dr puratchithazhavi Dr AMMA of tamilnadu in india.
This article hails Merkel as rising star of europe,but the matter of fact,she is not foriegn friendly.Her party agenda is against foriegners which includes indians in germany.
She is not a socialist like president Schröder,definetely Mrs. Merkel is not good for Indo-German trade/relations.
I would request REDIFF to write articles in Indian point of view,not in other countries point of view which may be completely against interests of India.
RE:Mrs.Merkel, not good for indians or foriegners
by nickel on Oct 14, 2005 02:01 AM Permalink
As a rule someone who is *not* a socialist is always better for India because they will not be protectionist, and will be willing to increase trade with India.
Look at the US presidential election. The decocrat, Kerry, wanted to stop all the outsourcing of jobs to india to protect American workers; while Bush's economic advisor actually went so far as saying that outsourcing was a good thing for America!
The interests of Indians living in Germany is not important for India. If they choose to live in Germany, pay taxes in Germany, and use the energy to improve the German economy; then they are more German than Indian.
I really have serious doubts whether she would go and create history. Her agenda, the unemployment factor, which is being handled better by third popular party in the race ( I dunno the name, you see I'm just 23 and not into politics so much, more into s/w) has predicted a lot of policies which she cannot defend or ignore. Shroeder's policies cannot be dumped just like that and there's the factor of the globalisation.
Unless she has made some drastically acceptable- without-the-blink-of-an-eye announcements in the near past or in the near future to increase her share of popularity, she'll have to share.
Personally though, I'd love it if she hands Schroeder's the big kick without having to share power.