pakistan is to blame for strife in: India Afghanistan USA Pakistan Nepal Bangladesh
these countries are directly impacted by one agency - ISI. they are indirectly funded by "charities" and direct government support from: Pakistan USA Saudi Arabia
Cowardly act by some bad people , spoil the name of (Islam means peace) these people are not muslims to do bad act, we cannot say terrorists muslims, Islam like peace not terror , very sorry to hear about the death of innocents, Praying with Allaha for victims of this attack,
RE:terrorist have no religion
by raj on Jul 16, 2008 04:25 PM Permalink
true. if only moderates could be heard. its always a cacophony of hardliners, all over the world. and the hardliners seem to be winning.
RE:terrorist have no religion
by Ajit Birdi on Jul 16, 2008 08:26 PM Permalink
It is not the general public. Just walk into any Islamic institute and you will hear the mullahs teaching hatred and nothing else. Yong innocent children who go to these institutes be it a school or masjid they go there to learn about Islam, but are pumped with wrong kind of information. fortunately most just stop going there once there education in other subject get heavy and demanding. But few do become terrorist through none of their own doing but the teaching they get and are brain washed by the Mullahs. 99% of these people are law abiding citizens. I live in a area in London where Indians Of all religion and of course Muslims and Pakistanis live. this are is classed as the most stable and harmonious and tolerant to other religion cast color and creeled in whole of Europe. Never had any kind of Indo-Pakistan or religious based trouble here. Oner can walk the street in peace at any time of day or night.
RE:high level meeting in Delhi
by Sameer Bhagwandas on Jul 09, 2008 01:59 AM Permalink
then what are you gonna do, touch those people of whom few choosed this path. Want whole Paki nation to come on you and chop you to pieces. They are mad, they are fighter, born fighter.
Five bomb in Karachi, not even one politician said India did it. They are clever, they will wait for revenge coz many small childern are badly injured in these Karachi bombing. It was not suicide and well planned so next bombing in India coz ISI will do it and this time again indian agencies will fail like they failed in past.
RE:high level meeting in Delhi
by Rajendra Rao on Jul 09, 2008 02:46 AM Permalink
Porkistanis used to say 1 Porkistani army man is equal to 3 Indians. Then came the Bangla Desh war, where Porkistanis were wiped out!
Mooselems talk big- only thing they can do- burn women and kids on a train, commit sucide bombings, send their women in Burqa's to commit sucide bombings- look at Osama so brave a mooslem, hiding like a snake in a cave! BraVe mooslems!
Same with covert Kargil war- Porkistanis got whipped. Next, it will be a nuked Porkistan. Watch out.
RE:high level meeting in Delhi
by TANDAL GUPTA on Jul 16, 2008 04:26 PM Permalink
Absolutely agree with the poster below. If the same thing had happened with US, or UK, or any other country, this would have been big news for weeks, unfortunately, Rediff doesn't give a damn, does it? We should start standing up for our own citizens, otherwise how do we expect the world to take us seriously.
Looks like the Indian media (the crappy Rediff included) are playing a game of selective reporting, to downplay the shame of Indian Embassy being attacked, and Indians unable to do anything about it (again !) The cowardice and timidity that is part of the Indian psyche has also shown itself in journalism. All major western outlets have it as banner headline, for Indians , it is like who cares? Bollywodd, IPL are far more interesting, besides showing off the India stinking .. er .. shining story.
RE:killing killing and more killing
by Nadhan on Jul 08, 2008 02:51 AM Permalink
Gone to pray, and to dream about he virgins they get to enjoy in heaven.
by jignesh bond on Jul 08, 2008 01:30 AM Permalink
Shut up with your mumbo jumbo idiotic conspiracy. I am not a big fan of congress but your statement sound more like a day dreamers statement,