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OSO A Mental Torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
by Shahrukh on Nov 13, 2007 06:27 AM  Permalink 

Watch OSO & Register urself in a Mental Hospital

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SRK -- A Makodi Pahelwaan
by Shahrukh on Nov 13, 2007 06:26 AM  Permalink 

with his 6 packs SRK looks horrible....LUKKA...& Makodi pahelwaan

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best ever
by sonali chaturvedi on Nov 12, 2007 11:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think OSO was Shahrukhs best movie ever..the first half was absolutely awesome, both Deepika n Shahrukh have done a fantastic job, the second half is not that great though, Deepika is drop dead gorgeous. Way to go Farah Khan keep up the good work..the littlest of details in the movie have been taken care off which is absolutely fabulous!!!

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RE:best ever
by ajay sawhney on Nov 13, 2007 11:24 AM  Permalink
I think you have forgotton DDLJ, DEVDASS or KKHH. Think for half an hour what was there in OSO

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SRK sucks...
by K Chandru on Nov 12, 2007 07:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I agree with u guys! SRK sucks. he looks like heroine's papa. He better do papa or grandpa roles in future films. Rediff ratings are too biased. Both Saawariya and OSO are just trash, crap movies and both deserve to be ignored.

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RE:SRK sucks...
by sunil gupta on Nov 12, 2007 09:56 PM  Permalink
Chandru why u wasting the time it is vary important bord.

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by Sameer Fan on Nov 12, 2007 07:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its a Bakwaas movie....
Dont waste your time watching it!!!!!!!!

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by on Nov 12, 2007 09:37 PM  Permalink
i like this film and songs also this is a nice and fantastic film in the world i have ever seen!i mostly liked the song that is tumko paya hai too jaise khoya hoon!that was song also by aneek

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deepika is hot
by ANSHUL on Nov 12, 2007 06:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

deepika is very sexy

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RE:deepika is hot
by deepak mishra on Nov 12, 2007 06:42 PM  Permalink
its toooo good as acteress

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RE:deepika is hot
by ANSHUL on Nov 12, 2007 06:25 PM  Permalink

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by Mustu on Nov 12, 2007 05:25 PM  Permalink 

I went to watch the movie wid my frenz
But it was the worst i ever wtched of SRK after KANK and DON.

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Shahrukh rocks!
by on Nov 12, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Loved Shahrukh to pieces in OSO! What a movie! It is funny and worth a watch. and the songs are awesome.
The background score rocks! In terms of lyrics, picturisation as well as the music%u2026the album is a complete package. Need I say more about his six packs that ruled Dard-e-Disco?
Sharukh has been on a promotion spree on TV, After Nach Baliye, Dard-e-Disco competition,%u2026His latest it seems is an appearance on Jhoom India. It is a musical reality show on Sahara One with all the TV actors and singers. A friend of mine (she is a die-hard shahrukh fan like me) told me that Shahrukh will appear as the chief guest. I think it will be aired on Nov.17. Whatever the thingie, I won%u2019t miss my King Khan%u2019s next tv appearance. Hope he shows some dance moves yaar (and his six-packs as well)

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RE:Shahrukh rocks!
by amitabh sharma on Nov 12, 2007 05:41 PM  Permalink
oso is one of the worst film i have ever seen in my life.I was shell shocked the way it is being projected after viewing the film.Direction is slopy,script horrible nd the entire film is loosely connected.one should learn from srk how to project a super disgusting film in a very very impressive way by boasting i would destroy sawariya nd there is only one film being releasing on dat day.sawaria on the other hand is much better dan oso.no one can compare oso with sawaria bcause sawaria is much better made,story wise simple but very interesting nd beautiful.i hope in the long run oso would b a big disaster on the other hand sawaria would be a huge hit.i strongly feel the days r numered for srk nd he should not indulge in romantic or comic role he should accept role like big b.uncle,father role or big brother role.it was quite ridiculous to c him romancing with DP.he looked like her father in the entire film quite disgusting na.no refreshing story rather stale one.direction is ominously bad.farah should take a lesson from this.now srk u plz dont claim dat it is a very good film if so den i would die in d rage of a fit.u r a lier nd playing with the sentiments of the fan who had great expectation from this movie.every thing will be clear in coming week.I request you all fan dont waste ur money or time to go and watch oso.u would be hugely disapointed,if coming on tv den watch it on nd off.sawaria is by far a superior film with great music go nd watch a great film by slb.

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Thanks to SRK, OSO still in theatres
by Ramesh Mure on Nov 12, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink 

Its one of the worst SRK movies ever made. All the media hype is due to SRK being in the movie and is conscious effort by everyone involved in the movie to keep it afloat. I would be surprised if movie will keep the momentum, it should be out of most of theatres by next week. I am surprised national media like TOI getting sold out and running front page news article to promote the movie. They should realise that you cant make an awful movie succeed by doing this.

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