RE:New Carreer Opportunity on Net. Get Paid upto 50,000 p.m. For more details & to see income proof Visit:
by Sachin Rase on Apr 17, 2007 01:53 PM Permalink
How come the JoB ads are comming in the comments ? Rediff guys are u paid for these ?
if yes real bad ways of adverstising , or it's not been modarated !
block that user man "real msg on Apr 15, 2007 09:39 AM"
would you cover my sister in law's wedding with the same zeal? NO.WHY? because she is a common person. so please devote your energy to covering articles that common people are interested in and not marriages that come apart every so often!
RE:cover something else
by on Apr 17, 2007 11:48 PM Permalink
I'm sure that media would cover your sister in law's wedding if she was miss world or some star. Nobody is interested in reading about common people coz. we are common people and we haven't done anything great to attract that kind of publicity.
RE:Rediff are cocksuckers of bachan's
by nitesh shah on Apr 13, 2007 10:54 AM Permalink
if you don't like it, don't read it. is doing business. There are others too who are covering Abhi-Ash wedding. Why not blame them then? If you don't want to show these content, then you provide them the content yourself.
What nonsense is this....i guess till now no other national or political news has gained this much publicity.Everyone thought abhi's love story would be same like that of sallu and vivek,bt god knows why aish dint change her mind in case of abhi. Hope after marriage she wont change....ha ha ha
by Moumita Boral on Apr 15, 2007 07:35 PM Permalink
I totally agree with u Kavya. Things are simply blown out of proportion, As if its some celestial activity. They are marrying its OK but the speculations that are going on is simply meaningless. Fine the media (including rediff) need gossips to sell but this time they have crossed the limit. We can be proud that we have reached the league of Hollywood Papparazzi, isn't it?
by tnravi on Apr 13, 2007 10:19 AM Permalink
You are obsolutely right. As though this is the rarest & sacred marriage, the media is blowing about of proportion. She had so many men in her life like that man who has loved ( ! ) so many women till this day which everybody knows. These people denegrade the institution of marriage which is held in high esteem be most of the hindus. They can live together and as usual they can get seperated. Atleast the media can spare us by not calling such comics as marriage just for afew penny sake