Asin is a beautiful girl.But Vogue had managed to make her look like a witch.I just hope she looks better in her movie. But a little piece of advice for the prestigious fashion magazine-'FIRE THE STYLIST'
by Aisha on Jun 25, 2008 03:22 AM Permalink
Agreed! That dress is horrid. And they should've made her do a different pose. Her face is not showing properly. She's pretier than this pic. Look at Vel and Ghajini and you'll see what I mean. And all her older films. This pic does not do her justice at all!
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Asin and she is my favorite actress. But this photo is very disappointing to say the least. The make up and photography is quite bad. I can't believe how Asin (who is super hot to say the least) can look so bad.
Asin is a superb actress throughout her films and no bollywood actress can stand before her. but i dont understand why she is tarnishing her image by giving poses in such fashion magazines. I guess it is for money? But she is already known to india, thanks to aamir khan. Then why is she posing before this stupid magazines. I feel sometimes, stars become stupids to get stupid image.
She looks horrendous.Why cant she be what she is? She is very photogenic but too much make up killed it all. how can she agree for some thing like this? Guess she is gone blind!