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rediff plz !!!
by vinay on Aug 05, 2008 08:32 PM  Permalink 

y they r not showing the full article in a single page, v hv to go on clicking para by para, so v can read only one or two paras at a time.
it vl b better to publish the full article in one page instead of so many slides. any takers for my suggestion...

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Who wrote this article?????
by deepak on Aug 01, 2008 07:01 PM  Permalink 

Mallika does not mean Empress...Mallika is Sanskrit and is the flower Chrysanthemum... Maalika is Empress and is Persian.

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common feature
by sunshine on Aug 01, 2008 01:46 AM  Permalink 

common in them ..----..' they can do anything for money..

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by SKD Roy on Aug 01, 2008 12:45 AM  Permalink 

Rekha was born to Tamil actor Gemini Ganesan and Telugu actress Savithri but not Pushpavalli. Savithri was one of hit herines in telugu during 50s to early 70s

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by vicky rash on Jul 31, 2008 07:02 PM  Permalink
why ur getting annoyed when he is abusing daud..any problem?

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Why the inconsistency in the titles?
by A J on Jul 31, 2008 04:31 PM  Permalink 

When all the slides have been called "When 'so n so' became 'so n so'... why is the Madhubala slide (no.7) called "The birth of Madhubala", why is the Rekha slide (no. 9) called "When Rekha was called Bhanu" and why is the JayaPrada slide (no. 10)called "From Lalitha Rani to Jaya Prada" {not to forget: it has the Rekha title instead of Jaya's}

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