you have truly made a wonderful movie and the dvd too says it all.
It took time to arrive and came high on momentum.Many other producers, just make movies that are nothing but careless money making machines, which will stay away from the good audience smartly after a couple of weeks of the release.
those who love average movies are a pain to us who have seen more to comment, Aaamir does it best...
RE:keep it high, Aaamir...
by Narendra on Jul 28, 2008 10:16 AM Permalink
I agree with you in this regard "Many other producers, just make movies that are nothing but careless money making machines, which will stay away from the good audience smartly after a couple of"
I guess you are up straight against 'Yash Raj' and 'The Bhatt' camp, wright dude?
Today we have aaamir khan and Farah Khan taking interest in making film, what will happen then to mainstream directors? I wonder. I can't rate khans, be Farah or Aamir as good filmmakers at all. Indian cinema never lacked good directors or actors that cinema should take a U turn. I never knew acting or filmmaking becoming so easy as it is now-a-days. Any one can act or direct, it is so simple I find. Why Dilipsaab or Madhubala did not take up filmmaking, Can anyone say me? Tomorrow even Raakhi Sawant will make films, jsut watch out!
Hey everyone i bought the dvd, one day after it's release and even though i was upset over it's cost i went ahead with it...and trust me it's worth ...the pack has 3 dvds... 1. The movie with/without directors commentry by Aamir khan 2. The Dvd with special features...that's making of movies, trailers/promo, deleted scenes, Aamir's discussion with special panel about child care. 3. Background score cd 4. The paintings(both Nikumbh's and Isaan's), the flipbook, Isaan's notebook and one TZP pencil.
I have to say for movies lovers it's a must for their personal dvd collection
RE:It's worth 500/-
by Narendra on Jul 27, 2008 10:26 PM Permalink
Well, I gotta say that the answer is yes and I don't mind it as long as u r my toilet cleaner. U r d best janitor so far babe, at my home. Keep it up, u too. After all 'Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness'
I did not like the movie. It is nowhere to Gulzar's Parichay or Uttam Kunar and Aparna Sen's Joy Joyonti. The greatest drawback in our Indian cinema is that those who are actors they do not give credit to old classics. And then we have media , God knows if they had seen film like Joy Joynti. What song, direction, screenplay, editing was in Joy Joynti or Parichay even Mr Khan is not aware of. Thanks to our Indian artistes and new trend in film industry.
by jagannath moharana on Jul 26, 2008 10:51 PM Permalink
may be you can widen the scope of your views and start to think, even modern era and people here make sense, put it with their earnest effort.
And as the classic's go.... do not forget TZP will be seen as classic when I am 40 and then there will be another Aamir Khan still being sincere and raising issues and making sense too.
and... another thing, why people in rediff so rude while replying, are they so much knowledgeable than everyone around them!! I do not think so, it is time we start reading and replying with some effort and those who turn bad are in hurry...
the cost of dvd of tzp is expensive.. undoubtly this is a worth watching movie.. everyone has acted very well... appraised....everyone will love tis movie bcoz it has very shades of emotions.. especiaaly the little boy ..his acting was commendable.. but still dvd cost is much more... so wat i can suggest is that only persons suffering from the disease must see the movie..
a full movie with good quality visuals the background score Aamir' s commentary special pics and goodies deleted scenes and reason why they did not make the cut
you still complaining!!
so may be you never bought the dvd of "American Gangster" "Gladitor" "Spiderman" or even "Titanic"
so if they cost as much or 100-200 more, why complain for a well made and deserving Indian flick.
RE:dvd is expensive
by Narendra on Jul 27, 2008 01:52 AM Permalink
Well, first of all you gotta know that not every one has a father who is a doctor, lawyer or say a business man who is stealing money from others so that you can buy expensive DVD's. For majority of people in India Rs. 500 is equal to two weeks of grosseries for the entire family. So you better grown up.
RE:RE:dvd is expensive
by jagannath moharana on Jul 27, 2008 12:45 PM Permalink
why bringing desh, samaj, poor people, rich people in every discussion, aamir is not forcing you to buy!!
with t v channels, magazines and countless viewing whenever one crosses the road or travel along you see all of them, yet you understand a concept called "parallel lives" i mean you feel for them and engage in charity or kind deeds or helping them in each small way to make them feel nice.
if you want to save your money to help the poor, it is a different thing.
RE:dvd is expensive
by Narendra on Jul 27, 2008 01:00 PM Permalink
Yes. That's exactly what I wanna say. I'm poor. Please help by sending a TZP DVD pack soon. Thank you malik.
RE:dvd is expensive
by jagannath moharana on Jul 27, 2008 02:41 PM Permalink
your comments are hackneyed, trite and submitting... be a man and accept you lost.
abt TZP dvd, i have already sent home and you mean nothing to me, why would i give you!!!
RE:dvd is expensive
by Narendra on Jul 27, 2008 06:40 PM Permalink
Accept you lost!!! Are v playing a game or what!! Ha ha. Out of your mind little brother? Go get a life.
RE:dvd is expensive
by Sudarsan on Jul 27, 2008 09:37 PM Permalink
You think all those majority in India have a DVD player where they can watch TZP? they wont even have a TV for their entertainment.
DVD's for all those people who can afford the money. Rs 500 seems to be decent because you have so many goodies with the pack.
RE:dvd is expensive
by Narendra on Jul 27, 2008 10:30 PM Permalink
Don't even have a TV ? Oh! God. In which era are you bro!! Looks like in stone age. Ha ha. Where do people like you come up from? Step out of your bedroom and see what the real world is for yourself!! Damn . . . after all i'm talking about an average indian and not the poor neglected tribal folks.
The DVD of Taare zameen Par is out and as usual Aamir Khan surprises with this dvd pack also. The very first thing you will observe is the unusual look(rather the length) of the DVD pack(the size is slight bigger than A4 paper and whole case looks like a big Box of sweets).Then As you open the case it surprises you with three layers folded into one and each of them contains a dvd (there are 2 dvds and 1 acd inside).Each dvd has been placed in its location in such a manner that the picture at the surface of the dvd merges with the background picture giving a perfect 2-D effect. Along with this there are the two paintings drawn by Ishaan Awasthi and Nikumb Sir respectively in the Art "mela" competition (each of the picture are that of A4 size) . To add to this there is also the famous flip book of Ishaan and Ishaan's slam book where he scribbled and poured his feelings on each of the character's he met in his journey till the Art "mela". The DVD also surprises you with the deleted scenes and Aamir Khan giving the inside out of each of the scenes and why they were eventually deleted. There is also making of the film and its music and other special features like a Discussion panel on Children's upbringing etc. The audio cd consist of the whole background score with great sound effects and at the end obviously the whole film is there with high quality dvd picture and Dolby surround sound. The price of this great collection's edition also surprises you with an affordable amount
RE:Like the film the DVD set is also great
by Narendra on Jul 26, 2008 01:26 PM Permalink
Are y sure that the DVD got just Dolby Surrround? No Dolby Digital!! Come on, in which world are you living bhayya?
RE:Like the film the DVD set is also great
by Narendra on Jul 26, 2008 01:24 PM Permalink
It's nice to hear from you that "The price of this great collection's edition also surprises you with an affordable amount"
Now a small request. Please get me a DVD too, since you think Rs. 500/- is no great deal.
by arnab bhattacharya on Jul 25, 2008 10:27 PM Permalink
film like noir preto are the cause for the setback of Bollywood films...atleast Aamir Khan is trying to do hatke films liek RDB,TZP and this bunch of jokers (Preto or prento) are like obstructions against constructive things
by arnab bhattacharya on Jul 25, 2008 10:29 PM Permalink
sorry it will be people like Noir Preto (well obviosuly this is not his name...)...actaully i was so annoyed to see his comments i wrote films like noir prento or whatever
by Sudarsan on Jul 27, 2008 09:39 PM Permalink
You dont buy... Aamir will still make big profits from the DVD too (just like he made TZP a super duper hit in the theatres)
In addition to the DVd, contains interviews with Experts and Academics on Dyslexia, copies of paintings from the movie & Ishaan's flipbook... Collectors item ?