Dear Friends, why use car or bike for commuting inside city. One can use bicycle instead, it will save petrol or disel, reduce pullutants,no traffick cojection on road, less accidents on road therefore higher road safety, increase in the fitness, no need to go to Gym or take medicine for weight reduction so great savings! Billions of barrel of petrol will be saved if everybody start using bicycles inside city therefore great savings of foreign exchange and reduce the national expendature on petrol or disel, boost to economy. For senior citizens, disables car option may be ok. Lot of problems in the life may get sorted out. Please think seriously. It may look embrassing if vice president of a company start coming on bicycle but slowly one will be used to it, it is all mind and ego.
RE:Use bi-cycle
by Dhananjay Chandrakant Salvi on Jan 11, 2008 04:35 PM Permalink
This is Indian Tendency. When the whole world give up something we start practiciing it. In China there are three companies selling cars at the cost of Rs. 1,50,000/- still majority of the people using bicycles... You are right just see the traffic conditions in Banglore, Pune or in more than coming years.I request Ratan Tata to invent Helicopter at the cost of Rs. 1-2 Lakhs....
RE:Use bi-cycle
by Govind Rao Tamavada on Jan 11, 2008 03:53 PM Permalink
My dear ... goooood suggestion... but if we follow your suggestion... then tomorrow you will say why use 'train'...'plane'...etc. etc. I wonder how will you reach your native place esp. if it is 50000 km away from your place.. thanks for your suggestion - cum - article.
RE:Use bi-cycle
by Amit Khatri on Jan 11, 2008 04:19 PM Permalink
You are very much right. China and lots of other europian countries have already started doing this. Indian govt should also promote this phenomena. We need to start building public awareness through advertisement.
RE:Use bi-cycle
by Rajendra Deshpande on Jan 11, 2008 05:08 PM Permalink
Thanks for the comments. I would like highlight on certain comments. 1) Time: One can start early to adjsut the time. 2) I am not selling Zandu balm, one don't need it if he/she is fit. By using bicycle fitness will definatly improve. 3) Usage of bicycle for 5000 kms: I suggested usage of bicycle inside city for daily commuting, I am not suggesting to replace car/train/plane to bicycle. If somebody really want to impress then he/she should be fit,team man, couteous and well informed, so don't worry what top management will think? I hope I am able to answer to the points raised by some of viewers.
RE:Use bi-cycle
by vatsal ramaiya on Jan 11, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
Try moving in mumbai in a the time u go from one station to another station...u'll go crazy
RE:Use bi-cycle
by swastika ghosh on Jan 11, 2008 04:10 PM Permalink
And what about the time? Time is money dude .. A extra hour of top management is very imp...
RE:Use bi-cycle
by Indian on Jan 11, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
Dammmmm Agreee with you..... Infact you have induced motivation in me as I was planning to go to office on bicycle since years now..... But I think I will buy a bicycle soon... Thank you.
sanjay bhai, aap kyon 1lac le rahein ho.with u buying that car u are stopping another commoner from buying it considering the rush it will have when its gonna come on road
by Namasteindia Ji on Jan 11, 2008 03:53 PM Permalink
Pata nahi Tha shayad Manyata Ko "GARIB-RATH" raat ke badale "GARIB-GADI" Milegi kar ke >>>>>
Gifting Nano to Manya will cost 1 lac plus to Dutt which is more than he can afford once he goes to jail. Have we or has he forgotten that he has been sentenced and he is out on bail? He has been convicted and therefore, he is a convicted felon. Rediff, of course, has gone crazy with writeups like these. Can we expect more writeups on criminals Rediff? It seems we Indians too have no shame left whatsoever. Otherwise, how can we tolerate reading about such characters and see his movies? Sanjay Dutt is a convicted felon on a charge of treason against state! Treason! Hope my message gets across.
Sanju baba is just trying to link up his name with a man who is considered great , honest and honorable. this is how he generates sympathy for himself in people's minds. he has cultivated his munna bhai image to perfection.
RE:no bonnet/ dikki
by P M Joshi on Jan 11, 2008 03:46 PM Permalink
Saurabh, you have a point. Such quesitions are not asked, you know. He can get as many as AKs he wants. He can harbour as many as terrorists he wishes. After all he has sympaty of his supports who never question his involvement in bombay bomb blast.