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hats off to tata
by Andrew Symonds on Jan 11, 2008 11:00 PM  Permalink 

I will sell of my scorpio and swift for about 12 lakhs and will buy tata nano-i can buy 12 cars,maybe i will start some transport bussiness,,ha thanks TATA,,hats off

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What Next..?
by God on Jan 11, 2008 09:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Now Victoria's secret will be launching a new set of women lingerie collections... Saif Ali Khan would be caught in the shop, buying something for Kareena... Some jobless Rediff journalist will click some snaps and then we can see a whole page report with the title..

"Saif impressed by Victoria's Secrets"....

And the poor readers will think that Victoria is Saif's new GF and jump into the story to find nothing.... he..he.. from rediff's perspective they need to trick 1 Lac readers per day and this would add to the numbers...

Absolutely stupid piece of journalism.. Rediff doesnt know what news is important... this is like a junk yard, but we are coming here daily to see whether there are some useful things here....... ;-)

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RE:What Next..?
by IMRAN KHAN on Jan 14, 2008 11:50 AM  Permalink
Tooo good GOD, I just ca'nt stop laughing !!!LOL

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RE:What Next..?
by Param Sites on Jan 11, 2008 10:29 PM  Permalink
lol !!

I heard you !! :)

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RE:RE:RE:What Next..?
by virtualpaypall on Jan 13, 2008 09:05 AM  Permalink
(:>Excellent ) rediff news is like junkyard lol!!!

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RE:What Next..?
by on Jan 13, 2008 01:32 AM  Permalink
I am also stupid,because I raed stupid material

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RE:What Next..?
by yana on Jan 12, 2008 06:50 PM  Permalink
well said .... i can't stop laughing........ lol:)) :)) :))

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by karthik on Jan 11, 2008 08:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

''Dutt was clearly impressed by the small car, and chose it over a Rs 4 crore car ''

offcourse, it is easy to gift a car costing 1 lakh to your gf than a car costing 4 crore. smart sujay dutt!!

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by on Jan 13, 2008 01:33 AM  Permalink
he didn't know that he is so smart,thank you for recognizing him

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by Param Sites on Jan 11, 2008 10:28 PM  Permalink
you are funny ...he!he!he!he!he!

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by G on Jan 12, 2008 12:10 AM  Permalink
Eggzactly! :)

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Try to understand the concept
by Gaurav Gupta on Jan 11, 2008 06:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

which is important? TATA's NANO or Sanjay Dutt Girl friend? Rediff should understand the things. Just for the news only my dog is not well today please make it headline in your news, please...................... IT is a request from a common man who dream for NANO only

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RE:Try to understand the concept
by yana on Jan 12, 2008 06:52 PM  Permalink
lol:)) :))

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nano car
by Girish Wadhwa on Jan 11, 2008 05:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

People are worried about nano congesting streets in India. In Mumbai, public transport has not been upgraded for long long time. Rail capacity, after all the articles in papers, boycotts on human rights day, has not increased by 0.1%. Govt has to invest lots of money on railways, and buses and fast. In mumbai, govt has not completed a single flyover in 9 yrs and there is no will power to upgrade rail infrastructure. Only increse in public transport systems will reduce load on roads. Else load will increase even if there is no nano. So one cant blame tatas for coming up with the car. technology will come up with something everytime.

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RE:nano car
by arp on Jan 11, 2008 05:34 PM  Permalink
mmsingh pomissed to make mumbai like Sanghi. sorry to say only engaged for save UPA government. if govt is unnable to do infrastructure they provide these projects to private firms. pay and use.

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RE:nano car
by aditya kumar on Jan 11, 2008 08:29 PM  Permalink
The Mumbai to Shanghai "project" first time came under the leadership was Vilasrao Deshmukh. At that time BJP was at the helm at center.

Not that it matters because none of the governments have done anything.

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Dutt Knows Money Value..!!
by redhand on Jan 11, 2008 05:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

That's the reason he opted 1 lakh car instead 4 crore car.
Jail has teached him what the life n the value for it seems..!!

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RE:Dutt Knows Money Value..!!
by God on Jan 11, 2008 09:49 PM  Permalink
well, hun... its not the jail teaching him a lesson... its common sense... he'll change the GF in 6 months.. that would be just nothing.. Just over 1 lac for the "pleasure" he got... 4 crores for the same thing would have been a waste... he..he..

Now his GF would be really mad at TATA motors.. Infact so many GFs in this country will be mad!! he..he.. Now, the sentences like -
"My GFs b'day is coming, I am going to gift her a car"

"My Son passed his 12th exams, I am goin to buy him a car"

etc will not be attracting any attention... :-p

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What crap article
by Pushkar on Jan 11, 2008 04:40 PM  Permalink 

was this important??? or relevant ??

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