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by amit saraf on Mar 08, 2007 02:04 PM  Permalink 

REDIFF REVIEWS ...... worst...
just want to know why the rediff reviews are always in extreme and confusing...

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good songs
by chella krishna on Mar 07, 2007 06:14 PM  Permalink 

I have listened to all the songs of Hat Trick and Pritam has done an excellent job again after Dhoom 2. Worth having a CD. `Rabha Khair Kare' is mind blowing. This movie may give a major boost to Kunal kapoor's career.

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Hattrick Music goes for Duck '0'
by ajay jaiswal on Mar 07, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink 

Have heard all songs of hattrick, and could say that apart from Rabba Khair Kare, all the other songs are worthless & rubbish. So Jaggo Indian public, aur paise bachao & don't buy such worthless music CD!

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Hat or trick
by ajay jaiswal on Mar 07, 2007 04:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I Don't Believe in this as a concept

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RE:Hat or trick
by Prick Chimp on Mar 08, 2007 04:12 AM  Permalink
what concept?

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