You have to understandstand guys. The Golden temple does not belong to just Sikhs. Anyone, Neha,Duha, priti,salma,king,beggar,smart,budhu is same in the name of god. Sikh ardaas(prayer) completes with pharase "Sarba da bhala" (sab ka bhala ho.) IMHO, it is not ethical for us human beings to criticise someone visiting (paying respect to) a shrine of such high magnitude. I wouldn't care what intention that person has. Check this out guys! experience of sick, bed ridden highly(US) educated, sceincetist & journalist hindu brother. very interesting; May waheguru bless everyone!
RE:Temple for humanity
by kapil on Jun 28, 2007 01:33 PM Permalink
who is the Neha? I don;t see anything with this picture, at least some reveling cloth expected...
RE:Temple for humanity
by aks aks on Jun 28, 2007 02:02 PM Permalink
I think you go without clothes at the sacred places... You foooooooooooooooool....
RE:RE:Temple for humanity
by aks aks on Jun 28, 2007 02:11 PM Permalink
It's better you first check the net to know that who's Wahe Guru instead of commenting bull-shit here. You crap, moron...
RE:Temple for humanity
by Anonymous on Jun 28, 2007 03:37 PM Permalink
BTW... agar sikhon ne tum logon ke liye apne sir na kataye hote to aj tum muslim hote... remember teh martyrdom Shri Guru Teg Bahadur who gave his life to save Hindus from Mughals (muslim, who were forcibly converting all hindus to muslims) and saved your religion...
RE:Temple for humanity
by budhu on Jun 28, 2007 01:33 PM Permalink
I am trying to attach the link
RE:Temple for humanity
by budhu on Jun 28, 2007 01:50 PM Permalink
Guess what guys? Talking about the temple of humanity, I just turned my TV on. at 1:20 PST Live kirtan from Golden temple being sung "Koi bole ram ram, koi khudai. Koi seve gussayan koi allahe" Shabad about One god many religions, names. Amazing coincedent!
RE:Temple for humanity
by samyrah on Jun 29, 2007 02:27 PM Permalink
yes right Kapil so that u can empty ur filthy mind on this msg boards and make this a porn site. Atleast spare someones devotion to God here.Dnt thk all of them are like u
A boy was fall in love with her class mate, but he was from Bihar and what Bihari student do. Let%u2019s have a look, nature which is very funny. If he likes to any girl he will never purpose to girl but 1st his friends will know and friends will start saying bhabhi to girl, later on boy%u2019s parents will know that his boy is fall in love with some one. Later on whole collage will know this story but this is nature of Bihari student that he will never purpose to girl with whom he is fall in love. This is Bihari style. Yaar payar kar rahe ho ya dushmani sabko bata doe magar usko mat batana. Kaya hai ye. But in metros like Mumbai %u2026. Ye challti kaya 9 se 12 and that%u2019s all.
One Delite (Delhi) was very much inspired from this Bihari style. One girl was fall in love with his class mate and she adopted safest style and 1st inform to her mother, mother inform to brother, brother start verifying the fact in police style with his friends. Later on she inform to her friends and own sisters. But she never says to boy that she likes to her.
by aarti on Jun 28, 2007 11:31 PM Permalink
Don't start commenting on women like this. No girl would do ANYTHING for money and fame but as far as exploitation by men is concerned, the less said the better.......
RE:900 rats khakey cat haz ko chalee
by aks aks on Jun 28, 2007 02:05 PM Permalink
Chali to hai kam se kam... You are just writing Bull-shit instead of going Haj... ha ha ha ha
RE:gods r lucky !!!!!!!
by Ahmed on Jun 28, 2007 12:40 PM Permalink
do women folk in your family go around the way you've described above? try to expand you horizon and look beyond box..
RE:gods r lucky !!!!!!!
by samyrah on Jun 28, 2007 04:20 PM Permalink
U all are such morons that ur'll dnt spare God also. I wudn't even care to spit on ur faces. Disgustin rotten eggs shame to all who have spoken ill and in a filthy way
by aks aks on Jun 28, 2007 02:09 PM Permalink
Don't you take pictures in the temple but pity on you that your pics can't be posted on rediff or any other site...
by deepak bhosle on Jun 28, 2007 12:52 PM Permalink
Dont understand whats wrong in posing? in pic she was asked a photo and she just stood there...and coincidently the temple is also there behind...and has she given any vulgar pose?....o boy....grow up....grow with the times too...
RE:Neha this is insulting ...
by AK Capital on Jun 28, 2007 12:05 PM Permalink
Dear Mr. Divine Teachings.
It is a nice thought to appose muslim culture and please go ahead and do it but there are certains principles and guidelines when u enter a place of worship and such in any punjabi gurdwara's ur supposed to cover your head male or a female has to adhere to it. If showing of assets is modern culture then u can see neha in cheap b grade exposing allover.
RE:Neha this is insulting ...
by munawar shareef on Jun 28, 2007 12:15 PM Permalink
Dear it applies to your Mother, Sexy sister and and if any your Gorgeous Wife. How does it feel. Hope you love to see them without cover. How can be Freedom of body is being nude. And its because of Muslim Culture India is still a safe country for Women. Just imagine,in many countries its difficult for a woman to travel alone( every time fear of miscreants like you). Being Indian( are you?) you should respect all religion then only Mera Bharat Mahaan.
RE:Confused ???
by Sameer Bhagwat on Jun 28, 2007 11:37 AM Permalink
But sir, they too are human beings. They too have the right to worship God. Don't they? Just because she showed some skin doesn't mean she's bad or evil.Correct me if I am wrong sir.
RE:Confused ???
by puneet srivastava on Jun 28, 2007 11:38 AM Permalink
welll Mr.Vishal hw can u say lik tat dey r not d normal public n who u r to intrpt ny1 to visit ny place....evn u make ur night sexy with dere sexy item no. dnt u.....shariiif baannaaa chahte ho
RE:Confused ???
by rajwinder singh on Jun 28, 2007 12:08 PM Permalink
Well, i see every one ihas a point. We cannot avoid the people to enterring into such places ,but at the same time encouragement is also not accepted. These people do it for money and can go to any extent for the same and then blame the audience....Crime increases as we exposes(Provocation)ourselves as its human tendanies.Recently in England too, Crime done on account of Provocation is not subject to harshed punsihment. These person should be made to understand that this is not the right way to come out of public....
RE:RE:Confused ???
by Gaurav on Jun 29, 2007 02:52 PM Permalink
Rajwinder Singh, everybody has the right to visit religious places. Simply because she is a star, you cannot say like that. Everybody needs solace and interaction with the God. Everything is not for money. They are also human beings like us.
RE:RE:Confused ???
by praveenshashi pareek on Jun 28, 2007 12:34 PM Permalink
neha understand it is vishal's biological urge of mating with such a "biologically fertile and good gene-pool bearing" (which is called 'sexy' in slang) woman like neha that is motivating him to make these comments. and the same urge is making to derogate his comments coz you are visualizing urself in his place and biologically, like all females, u want a committed male rather than philandering one like him trying to distribute his genes everywhere. its jus plain biology..nothin else.