i think Jolie is great, her work, her passion; its great someone from hollywood can look beyond the glitz and glamour and see real issues facing ordinary people in extrodinary circumstance. HOWEVER, i could not understand the reporters facination with Jolie at the press conference, he acted more like a fan than a journalist (should i even call him that?). And what about Irrfan Khan? one of the most talented actor in Bollywood, why couldn't he write about him and his role in a big budget hollywood movie? when actors like Shetty and A. Rai are dying to break into US movies you have a legit actor who has done that w/talent, not looks, and he barely gets mentioned in the article. What is wrong w/you man!
i think Jolie is great, her work, her passion; its great someone from hollywood can look beyond the glitz and glamour and see real issues facing ordinary people in extrodinary circumstance. HOWEVER, i could not understand the reporters facination with Jolie at the press conference, he acted more like a fan than a journalist (should i even call him that?). And what about Irrfan Khan? one of the most talented actor in Bollywood, why couldn't he write about him and his role in a big budget hollywood movie? when actors like Shetty and A. Rai are dying to break into US movies you have a legit actor who has done that w/talent, not looks, and he barely gets mentioned in the article. What is wrong w/you man!
It has becom fashionable to crticise indians for each and every thing.If we indians criticise others for treating us badly, BANG!!!some startsayingthat indians deserveit.tell me guys, whcih people in the world are pure. Go to france and they criticise germans and english, gp to germany or england, germans will critics english and other europeans. western european people look down upon underdeveloped easterneuropeans. Americans criticise european and look downupon blacks,mexicans,indians.In ireland, catholics and protestants have been killing each other for many years, even though they all are christians. The europeans wiped out millionsof indians, mexicans,native red indians in americas and plundered their wealth,society,knolwedge,scientific thought but no one talks abt it. I agree upper catse look down upon lower castes but upper castes dint rape,plunder,loot,exterminate lower castes like the way whites did to other races. Infact compared to 1947 the position of lower catses ahs improved a lot now.
RE:think logically!!
by mudit saxena on Jun 21, 2007 02:14 AM Permalink
Why not to criticize us? We deserve the criticism really. You you the first wrong thing an Indian does is being born an an Indian. Now, from here on whatever we do is either against the world or ridiculous. We are like the bihaaris of the world and maybe even worse. So, for being weird I think we must be criticised. We act like clowns, play wired music which is copied from the west with strange indian words. We make movies where people dance and sing all the time like morons. We have very low IQs(marganialy better than the blacks but much worse than the whites and east-asians). We really deserve the critisism of all kind.
by india on Jun 20, 2007 11:23 AM Permalink
it is not ur fault anyway , we have habits of not appreciating our feminine beauty (our mothers and grandmothers without any make up) but we prefer licking white skin. If they just come to our country we feel like being in 7th heaven...
you must be a fan - otherwise any self-respecting person would have seen this for what it is. Her lawyer and publicists are there to protect her image, and she is not to blame at all? so does her lawyer choose her movies for her in case they flop, or change her kids nappies in case it leaks? This is not uncommon in Hollwood. The lawyer takes the blame for everything stupid the star does. Angelina Jolie is a stone's throw from Paris Hilton in that respect. Sure, you can say, she does charity all the time and isn't she so wonderful to adopt a million kids and give them a bath and a roof? But she thinks she is better than everyone else simply for this reason. She lords it over people that she is NOBLE and GOOD and ADOPTS. Well, people have been adopting before her and will adopt after her. All with much less publicity and much less self horn tooting. She walks around thinking the press need her so badly because she is so famous and so they have to be comprimised so she can grace their newspapers with her "lovely" presence. The press made her for what she is, and the press can take her down too. You don't need to sign that contract, and you shouldn't believe her Lawyer trying to blame himself- much like Paris Hilton's did for her DUI and for her driving without a license. Insert Eye Roll Here. That is the dumbest thing- and takes both media and public to be a bunch of idiots. Angelina was very much aware of what she was doing by giving out that contract - and not aware of the ir
hai i think this type of movie should be snown to all those people who don't have any other job than watching movie ..they will like it....it is an really no-sence movie..