I once had a chance to read your interview in Reader's Digest along with your cute lil' daughter....it was really good & believe me I have always admired your confidence & your unconventional way of life !! God Bless you n your child !! U simply rock Sush !! U look gorgeous in every thing you do !!
The great ancient wise man from Patna(=Pataliputra) Chanakya Kautilya wrote a verse involving stars which read " Baramekah guni putrah, na cha murkha satanwapi/ Ekashchandra tamohanti, na cha tara ganoirapee". In translation it means -"It is better to have one qualified son than one hundred idiot siblings/ (Just see) one moon removes darkness whereas million stars are unable (to do the same)". Alas no body reads Chanakya these days. Otherwise the whole of Bollywood along with other woods( except real wood i.e. available from trees) would not have existed. Ancient India Zindabad....Zindabad...Zindabad