Pan's Labyrinth is a stunning movie, and there is no doubt about it. In my opinion it wasn't even the best foreign film, forget about it being the best film of the year. But Raja Babu is the critic here, isn't he? ;-)
A simple life-story can only be made as a gr8 movie only when the central character is gr8 ... and so was Will Smith in 'Pursuit of Happyness' ... he definetly deserved oscar ...
have guys watched "the prestige".. It was better than "the departed".. and it didnt even get a best picture nomination!.. And, the departed is just a remake guys!! You cannot give it a best picture award!!
RE:The Prestige??
by Synicle on Mar 03, 2007 02:24 PM Permalink
The Prestige was a well made movie and could have been much more. However it didn't have the X factor to make it special. It didn't deserve to be nominated as much as Departed didn't deserve to win.
While I am happy that Departed got the main awards, I just dont get how Alan got the award in comparison to Eddie's and Mark's. His role was short and there was nothing special about it. That was the biggest let down of the evening according to me.
RE:Alan Arkin winning best supporting award was the biggest joke!
by Rohan on Feb 28, 2007 02:10 AM Permalink
I haven't seen Allen Arkin's performance, but I have watched The Departed and never ever have I seen an actor chew off his lines with such gusto and conviction as Mark Wahlberg. He plays the quintessential cock-a-snook and "up yours" cop who knows his job. He walks the walk and talks the talk. His volcanic erruptions on screen make the tension red hot and give the razor sharp narrative jolts in spurts. Here's an actor who has ingested, digested and spit out a complete plethora of emotions through a well understood interpretation of his character and in doing so has captured equal attention for his acting prowess as the brilliant script itself.His performance hits the Mark!
RE:Alan Arkin winning best supporting award was the biggest joke!
by Synicle on Mar 03, 2007 02:25 PM Permalink
Academy makes up for previous mistakes... haven't you heard that before. Alan Arkin is fine actor - so what's the bloody joke?
Little Miss Sunshine was the best movie of the year and should have won more oscars. Seven year old Abigail Breslin was stunning in her role and so was Toni Collette but no goodies for them. The Departed was also a great movie but why can't a family movie win an OSCAR !!!
Sujan Shekhawat
RE:Little Miss Sunshine
by Vandana Ojha on Feb 27, 2007 10:10 PM Permalink
Little Miss Sunshine is not a family movie... its R rated... if you mean why can't a comedy win the award then a point well made.. otherwise both the movies are pretty good.. Peace Out!!
The best supporting actress award was just thrown away to Jennifer hudson.I was so hoping that Adrianna Barraza or Rinko Kikuchi would win supporting actress.What were the Academy award comittee thinking?I totally agree the in the animated movie category they should have given award to "CARS" because it is an awesome movie and trust me it doesn't even seem like an animated movie neither does it sound like one.I am happy for "Departed" though.That is well deserving movie.
RE:It's all about the bling-bling..............................
by rahul singh on Feb 28, 2007 10:35 PM Permalink
Everybody predicted that Jennifer is going to win becuase she was amazing, despite the fact that it was her first movie. Cars has already won golden globe and it was good that they had given to Happy Feet. not only that movie was funny, it also had great message.
Well said Raja, Scorcese didn't gain much from the awards, as he was already a legend. Maybe, just that Oscars couldn't ignore him any longer & not appear downright stupid. If they didn't screw up, most of the Scorcese movies starting from Good Fellas to the Aviator would have won awards. Similar for toons, where it could have been understandable if Cars didn't win. Considering whom it lost to is strange.