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by Ashok Swamy on Feb 28, 2007 10:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This film has shades of Tamlil movie KOKKI which i feel is better than this.
And Kudos to the reviewer for revealing the END :)!!

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by Bengalooru on Mar 06, 2007 04:19 PM  Permalink
I dont understand y these tamil people are so sadists. Also there was no reason for the author to reveal the climax. I think he can be sued for this.
Well, remakes are common like 90% of bollywood movies are remakes. Paheli, Swadesh are remakes of Kannada movies.
Dont ever say that Duniya is a remake .... its a refreshing movie and original.

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by ABC XYZ on Mar 01, 2007 08:37 PM  Permalink
This is the problem........whenever some Kannada movie is good and going to be a box-office hit u say its a remake or its inspired from some other movies.

Ppl evn said that Jote Joteyali was a remake of Chalte Chalte (Hindi), how foolish !!

I agree there r many films releasing in Kannada which are remakes.

BUT just bcoz one frame of a film somewhere matches with someother film, doesn't mean that the film is a remake/inspired.

Hav the heart to appreciate good talent !!

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by Rame Gowda on Mar 21, 2007 03:11 PM  Permalink
U R Correct Only UR Tamil People are doing the original films and all other launguage films are Remake!!!!!!! rigt.

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by Girish c on Apr 05, 2007 09:43 AM  Permalink
well then i belive that kokki" was not refreshing , and this is !!! and that ends the debate which is a better movie...........

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Thanks for giving away the ending...genius
by on Feb 27, 2007 03:09 PM  Permalink 

the folks who hired you should be fired.

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Re: Chat with prakash
by prakash gouda on Feb 27, 2007 09:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Good show by young & talented kannada film directors. this way kannada will progress not by asking people to talk in kannada. kannadigas must show world that they are aexcellent in everyfield then kannada will become famous langauage

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RE:Re: Chat with prakash
by Chandru on Mar 01, 2007 07:12 PM  Permalink
Hi Prakash,

I agree with you. Movies like Mungaru Male would take Kannada film industry to a greater height. Kannadigas have been doing pretty well in the film industry though they lost many icons like Shankarnag, Sunil and many others. Remember that greats like Manirathnam, Suhasini, Rajanikanth, Anilkapoor all made their debut in Kannada movies.

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RE:RE:Re: Chat with prakash
by prakash gouda on Mar 03, 2007 02:47 PM  Permalink
you are right !! we need to get best Quality to show the world

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by no man on Feb 26, 2007 11:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I just hope this trend continues.

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by sam on Feb 27, 2007 02:27 AM  Permalink
We have won ample Gnaanapeetha awards and are not short of stories or novels which could be made into movies. Instead of remakes, we should concentrate on this.

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