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hi Ms. Chopra
by on Aug 09, 2007 10:19 PM  Permalink 

ur work is gr8. no matter what but peoplpe seem never apprecite good work. but may i suggest something, u r a good writer and not everyone is so skilled can u use ur writing power in ur next bk on topics which can bring out more realistic issues to limelight

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Money Money
by Rajeev Basotra on Aug 09, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink 

Well, Mrs. Chopra knows chosing SRK can earn her more bucks as he is commercially hit( Thanks to Media, Karan Johar, Yash Raj & Girls) . Mrs. Chopra knows this very well. So lets make money , and whats wrong in praising crap when money & fame is the mission.
Grow Up !!!! Mrs Chopra and people like You !!!

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Does he go to toilet..
by Kvins on Aug 09, 2007 02:10 PM  Permalink 

Shahrukh is such a big start... I just wanted to know if he ever goes to toilet .. because I never seen him doing in the movie... Please consider this as very urget...

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by Reza Arif on Aug 09, 2007 12:09 PM  Permalink 

Anupama ji,

Namaste .. I just wanted to pass on a message to Vidhu ji about Eklavya.. I thought it was equal to poetic brilliance! Hats off to him for makin a classy movie ..

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Junk Book
by Narendra Kulkarni on Aug 09, 2007 09:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Anupama, Didn't you find any thing worthwhile to write than write a book on crap like SRK.

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