agree or dont srk is just a media made star cuz ven it comes to his solo box office collections he iz nover close to aamir. aamir iz d people made star. is der no media who haz d guts to speak out d truth.
RE:srk is awesome king of bollywood
by The Great on Aug 08, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
Indian...r u a boy or girl!!!wth do u mean y doown to earth!!!! over actor!!!! boxoffice result clearly shown in KANK DON paheli etc etc, not a single good movie from past swadesh( the only nil over acted movie by him)
thank anupama u are the best i think u made it very easy to know about the king of bollywood, king of hearts , thank you very much .i think there is nothing left behind which is not in the book.
RE:SRK is the Best
by Faseeh on Aug 08, 2007 11:48 AM Permalink
hey DUKE he is not only king of bollywood he is also king of hearts .king of lovers .king of romance .king of of actor ....etc