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Jo and surya....
by Gouthami on Sep 14, 2006 03:23 PM  Permalink 

They re awesom together !!

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by bala on Sep 14, 2006 01:17 AM  Permalink 

happy married life
made for each other

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warm wishes
by Srivaralakshmi on Sep 13, 2006 09:56 PM  Permalink 

hello Surya & Jyothika..
Hearty congrats!
My whole family(including my fiance) feels very happy about ur marriage b'cus u r one among us..
Our prayers to ur long & successful happy married life..
I remembered "Chudidharanindhu vandha swargame" song on seeing ur marriage photo & posted the same in my gazzag site..
I felt like ur Big day is my Big day too cus I somehow had an intuition that u two 'll enter into the wedlock when i saw them in "poovellam kettuppar"..
I tried so much to wish them on phone..but i could not.,
Both should be lucky to get each other..
I pictured major events of marriage ..right from shopping to arundhathi rituals ..from a week before the marriage date...& kept on telling about the possible events going on to my family & friends..
I also thought of watching "sillenru oru kadhal" on sep 10th as a thanks-giving .. b'cus u 've made us feel happy by ur performance ..but i could not as my pappa was not feeling well N i had to b with him..Anyways..


Once again HEARTY CONGRATS!!!!!

With love,warm wishes & prayers,

Sri & Family

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happy married life
by ramani, ilayraja on Sep 13, 2006 09:58 AM  Permalink 

long live. the success of your marriage is in your succesful life.

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Cute Look
by nagendran on Sep 13, 2006 08:26 AM  Permalink 

Really a wonderfull couples never seen before

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made for each other
by HARUNESH on Sep 12, 2006 05:48 PM  Permalink 

At last finally , the Tamil Rocking stars Surya and Jothika married . My hearty wishes to them for a happy and a prosperous married life , i am an ardent fan of jyothika , my mother and my brother like surya so much especially that sanjay ramasamy in GHAJINI. My father likes Sivakumar( Surya's Father) a lot , so in a way our family is a big fan of surya's family . Once again i convey my heart felt greetings on this grand occassion .

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Nice Couple
by Kalpana on Sep 12, 2006 12:23 PM  Permalink 

One cannot take the eyes off the photo.

Excellent pair with a very nice family

Let them live happily everafter. Let God's grace be with them always.

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