RE:NO 2nd, 3rd, 4th Reviews
by jay.sara on Oct 22, 2006 10:29 AM Permalink
actually Raja is right. Kank was a flop, inspite of all the PR and typical hype. Heck in NY and NJ, there were selling the ticket for half price and still there weren't anybody to buy them
RE:NO 2nd, 3rd, 4th Reviews
by B on Oct 24, 2006 01:56 PM Permalink
ragini do u have any idea about whom u r talking about. ur srk is one of the biggest crap around. SRK sucks AND BIG B rocks.ur srk is nothing without karan johar and yash chopra and u r forgetting about all his flops like raamjane, dil haihindustani etc etc . mind it
RE:NO 2nd, 3rd, 4th Reviews
by MK on Oct 21, 2006 05:12 AM Permalink
As Rajasen is established as a Cynical critic, I checked with the alternative review which gave much lesser rating than what RajaSen has given. At the end, these reviews will do nothing more or less because the movie is a hit when it spins money. Not based on review.
RE:NO 2nd, 3rd, 4th Reviews
by sanjay on Oct 23, 2006 03:07 PM Permalink
what is in srk, even he cant pronunce k and you say a super star. a big bul shit, a big dhabba in the name of acting
by Pragya on Oct 21, 2006 02:08 PM Permalink
Hits and flops never decide the quality of a movie or an actor.... if a movie is a hit or an actor is a star or superstar that doesn't mean that they are high in standards also.... a reviwer's duty is to inform the readers about the quality of the movie... even thogh if you watch it and like it and make it a hit... it's your choice... a movies box office result can't be related to a review written by some snesible person...
by Sidd on Oct 21, 2006 06:46 AM Permalink
Isn't it with ALL SRK Movies that the opening is good because no matter what the movie is people will flock to the theatres because it is SRK and that includes me too. I have learnt my lesson over the years that instead of wasting 10$ on SRK I might as well go and watch an English flick like DEPARTED which has more to give for your money than the stupid Mainnnnn hoon Doonnnnnn from SRK. I hope its high time people will realize that SRK is not a great actor at all and RGV had once in his interview had correctly said SRK is not without PACKAGING. Give him a role like OMKARA OR BLACK OR RDB OR SARFAROSH and he will look like a JOKER.
by Sandip on Oct 22, 2006 11:33 AM Permalink
Ragini, KANK was an absolute crap except for those loosers who have failed/are going to fail in their marriages.
DON should not have been attempted at all.SRK is just useless actor for this movie.
by Krishna on Oct 21, 2006 05:47 PM Permalink
\"FLOP\" is exactly what the new DON is NOT!! I feel Farhan Akhtar has done a good job and so has SRK and if you have read only the Rediff review of DON then let me tell you this review is really bad and not at all understandable.So,I totally disagree with you.
by ragini on Oct 25, 2006 09:01 PM Permalink
dear B thanks for giving a handful names of SRK flops, somebody has well said that "a successful person is always remembered by his limited failures". Now lets count Big B flops in recent years: Darna zaroori hai, Ramji london walay,virudh, waqt, ab tumhare hawale watan sathiyo, kyu ho gaya na, deewar 2, lakshya, boom (sickest & most pathetic movie in indian film history), khushi, agnivarsha, hum kisi se kam nahi, kohram, hindustan ki kasam, suryavansam, lal badhah, mrityudata ......and so on this list contains data only for last 6-7 years. I am sure even few names will be unheard by you b'coz movie couldnt get attention to remember the name.
by Ragini on Oct 23, 2006 05:23 PM Permalink
Dear all Go and see the business reports. KANK did very well and it holds all time greatest opening record. Raja was the first person to announce it a big flop. And regarding Bachchans - BigB is the actor who has given most number of flops in last 10 years and smaller B is always in neck to neck competition with dad.
by manasa on Oct 21, 2006 10:38 AM Permalink
exactly!i truely agree with u..'DON' will definitely be a blockbuster..i thoroughly enjoyed did the audiences in the theatre..they were going crazy abt the way SRK says "DON ko pakadna mushkilhi nahi,naamumkin hai"..what more..?total 2 n a half hrs of DON rocks!!!
by anna on Oct 21, 2006 02:45 PM Permalink
Ragini bachche,
Reviews are for intelligent people to read and judge whether they should spend their hard earned money on a movie or not. They also help to dissect the movie in terms of its finer nuances.
Kids like you should just go and watch the movie and not read Rajas reviews, which are beyond your capacity of understanding.
SRK is the best
by Mehta on Oct 22, 2006 06:42 AM Permalink
You are sick person of something, dont make AB superstar at the age of 64, there is another reason y u guys making him superstar, he looks old person and looks absolute disgusting dancing with the girl whose age may be his grandduaghter, dosent is silly act looks, actually AB fulfilling his physical desirements absolute disgusting
Please dont make him superstar by your media power SRK is the only super star
I would like to tell SRK that please do not try to copy or act in a movie which is REMAKE or a TRIBUTE to any past actors. He is not doing any justice to his role and its looking like that he doesn't fit into that character which has been performed by the BIG B. I would say that NEW DON played by SRK is no where close to original DON played by BIG B and the NEW MOVIE "DON" is a big flop and big letdown by SRK.
Dont Compare!
by Arjun on Oct 21, 2006 09:21 AM Permalink
Hey Common guys!!! stop comparing this movie with old don, i accept that Amitabji is a great actor but u shudnt compare and this new Don is for the present trend ya, and the climax is quite interesting with a good twist,
I think new Don is worth watching as ong as we dont compare with old Don
RE:NEW DON is a big big dissapointment
by Raj on Oct 21, 2006 12:28 PM Permalink
U are really sick person. I think u cannot differentiate between good movie and a bad movie. Wat a looser. I dont want to say nothing about Don but only i can give suggestion is that Don Rocks more than that it wins our heart.
I would like to tell SRK that please do not try to copy or act in a movie which is REMAKE or a TRIBUTE to any past actors. He is not doing any justice to his role and its looking like that he doesn't fit into that character which has been performed by the BIG B. I would say that NEW DON played by SRK is no where colos to original DON played by BIG B and the NEW MOVIE "DON" is a big flop and big letdown by SRK.
RE:NEW DON is a big big dissapointment
by Girish on Oct 23, 2006 02:13 PM Permalink
I agree with you friend. DON sucks. Biggest disaster in Bollywood. And all remakes will suck. Stop remaking. It is injurious to bollywood
RE:NEW DON is a big big dissapointment
by supriya on Nov 08, 2006 05:12 PM Permalink
comparison between old DON and new one is, i think inevitable. Because both the films have same name, both films has superstars in it. This itself proves that Farhan akhtar and Srk want to prove that they are great. had farhan made some different movie with great storyline and actor offcourse Srk, it would have been better. But who wants to take the effort of writting scripts?
I really though it was epensive spoof, beacuse Ab is hard act to follow..Because AB did not act in Don to prove a point.. while SRK appears to do so..AB is truly is myth that must be put to rest by talking his angry man thing..He can do just about anything with acumen and sincerety time and again.
by abhijit on Oct 21, 2006 11:05 AM Permalink
Please stop making comparisons with the new and the old DON and between Shahrukh and Amitabh.Both are beyond comparison and have been subject to the same level of criticism in their times despite delivering excellent performances.However I wont shy from giving a review on the review,that it sucks big time.The movie is aremake but still genuine and fresh in its own subtle way.
by uday on Oct 20, 2006 08:04 PM Permalink
aiyyo, what kind of language your critic has used? instead of this "Hinglish" i would like to read Arabic !!! hah ha ha...
RE:Not able to follow the review
by chauhan on Oct 21, 2006 10:55 PM Permalink
If you do not understand the review. look at the stars. Wait for a free show of Don. Do not spend money on a faltu actor like SRK.
RE:Not able to follow the review
by Tush on Oct 22, 2006 08:50 PM Permalink
U see, all reviews are paid ones ! And these so-called expert reviewers make their ends meet by writing so don't blame them for the sake of their living !!
In short, never trust them ... Rather believe somebody who has seen the movie ... BUT PLEASE dont ever trust any reviews these days... NEWS PAPERS, CHANNELS OR WEBSITES ... All have their own obligations to meet !!!!
RE:Not able to follow the review
by shaan on Oct 21, 2006 05:20 PM Permalink
hey u i think u are sufuring from desease u know wht it is its vomatology man come on see it again.but u must cure first ur desease then only elligeble. KING KHAN HAI DON
RE:Not able to follow the review
by Indranil Mitra on Oct 22, 2006 11:32 AM Permalink
That is exactly what Raja Sen does. Nobody understands what he writes. Watch carefully. Even the guy who posted the article is confused. The title says SRK pays just tribute to the movie whereas the write-up is completely different. This guy is nuts. Look at all the reviews he has posted in the past. They are all worthless. But still he continues.
RE:Not able to follow the review
by Sidd on Oct 21, 2006 06:42 AM Permalink
You dont understand ENGLISH that's what I have to say buddy. Why don't you go and educate yourself first.
\"Don\" take some paracetamol with you !!! unless you are a die hard SRK fan the movie is not worth the effort.What was interesting though is a cinema full of 250 indians and pakis( in edinburgh ) which was quite cool .I whistled just once that cos \"kahike paan benaras wala \" reminded me of Amitabh not anything more.Kareeena , i wonder why she did that song, i used to like her but she looks disgusting and the dance reminds me of sushmita sen when she first started acting, she is a complete looser. What did Isha koppikar do?? i didnt even see her properly in the movie.Her facial expressions infact made me feel she like Priyanka chopra rather than SRK and hence the jea(lousy). Priyanka chopra does the standard role of a glamour gf . The movie with its twists and turn makes your stomach churn making you look for a vomit bag !!!
my verdict: dont watch if u have important things to do. Last priority !!!
its over
by rahul on Nov 04, 2006 08:17 PM Permalink
i hav kept mum for a long time on this message board as i was waiting for this day. yes i was the frst person to reply on this board and probably i will be the last as no more discussion required because DON IS A HIT.its declared today on check out mr. raja.
RE:u r a sick
by nikhil on Oct 23, 2006 11:44 PM Permalink
The movie is not that bad but you have to be stupid not to admit that srk can't act the way big b did. In the new Don movie, srk sucked when he tried to act like a villager. He is nothing more than a mimicry artist. Just watch his Dil To Pagal Hai again and you will know what I mean. He can only run behind girls because that's what he did growing up.
by yASH on Oct 21, 2006 01:58 PM Permalink
Rahul, Have u really seen the movie, forget about a average actor like srk..the mvoie reall sucks...srk shud really do serials now like saas bhi etc....he cannot act better////...if ur fan of some its fine buth then you dont reallt qualify to commment without any justification....
to Sandeep with love
by Amit on Oct 23, 2006 08:54 PM Permalink
Dear Sandeep,
I do agree that Shahrukh is not a versatile actor. But I fail to understand why an intellect like yourself failed to comprehend and appreciate SRK's capability as a glamour Hero, a cult, an anti-Hero. You must realize the fact that he is a genius when it comes to what he does. His screen presence is unmatched. Why do you base your feelings so much on your personal likes and dislikes? If you have seen Swades, you would appreciate his acting skills.And if you don't appreciate it then I am sorry to say but even the best cannot match your level since you are blinded by biasness. Think over it!! Ohh by the way.. i am not a fan of Shahrukh
by shihab on Oct 25, 2006 07:48 PM Permalink
y u people r comparin both the movies.....sharukh is sharukh...i know sharukh can never be like amitabh.........but i must say tht niether amitabh can be like sharukh nor act like sharukh......sharukh was jus superb in the movie....i have watched the new don 3 times now....after seein the reviews u people have return..comparing both the movies i must say tht i couldnt bear watchin the old don...amitabh ofcourse was gud bt rest was jus plzz jus dont compare both dons..this don is for ths genration..the old don was for the older one word i can tell is amitabh was the don of the 70's &SRK is the don of 2006........i was not a fan of srk bcoz he used to fit in only in romantic movies bt after watchin don ... i have bcome a fan.....hats off to u srk....
by BaaDSHaH on Oct 22, 2006 02:20 AM Permalink
I found the movie really great. All the people who are saying mean things about the movie and srk should eat their own words when the movie becomes a huge hit. Remember guys, the movie is just a tribute and not a copy. And no point comparing big b and srk. Its like comparing apples with grapes. Come on, the srk is rocking in the movie and so is the movie.
i was just waiting for ur review as i was prepared tht u ppl will write worst things abt don as this is a srk movie but never mind.ur bad review is always good for srk movie like-k3g,main hoon na, kank so will be don.
u r surely a sick person just gone to hall to make comparisons sorry for u. dont compare both dons this one is rocking and who care for old don new don is wht we have and it is better.
RE:u r a sick
by kalicharan on Oct 21, 2006 10:57 PM Permalink
For the first time Rediff review matched with the film. Its the worst film. rediff reviewers are srk fans so if they write anything bad for SRK then you know if you want to watch the movie.
Need to be civilized
by Nikhil on Oct 22, 2006 01:06 PM Permalink
You should comment in a civilized manner even if you didn't like Rediff's review. Everyone is free to express their views an so is Rediff. I am sure there are many people who would agree with Rediff review. you are not the only person that Rediff reviews movies for.
Disgusted by new DON
by Yaara on Oct 24, 2006 12:50 AM Permalink
I'm really disappointed with the new DON. SRK used to look brilliant till the Kabhi Haan Kabhi Na and DDLJ. But now a days he sucks!! Mr. Farhaan Akhtar, at least i did not expect it from him, a brilliant director in my opinion. He should now spend some time in a lonely place and should analyse whether the decision to remake DON was right? I'm not a blind supporter of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan but still i should say that one should not try to remake any of the Mr. Bachchan's movies from 1970 till 1980, because no one can match Mr. Amitabh Bachchan.
RE:u r a sick
by FN on Oct 21, 2006 11:54 AM Permalink
Well sir, if you have not seen the movie, I excuse you...but if you have seen it, then YOU my friend are either a die-hard Shahrukh fan, or you are just too naive. This is not about "Shahrukh bashing" , but the movie on the whole. Its dull, drab and a huge disappointment. For others who think otherwise, they have a right to give any opinion...but my sympathies are with you all.
RE:u r a sick
by DP on Oct 27, 2006 02:16 PM Permalink
Cool down dude.... dont take it to heart. Thing do get compared and obviously when it has something to do with Big B. Have sportive attitude. Everyone have right to express there likings and dislikings. So chill man
RE:u r a sick
by Sandip on Oct 23, 2006 10:19 AM Permalink
Rahul, Reading your message I guess you are the typical SRK fan who lack do not know what acting means.SRK is no way no way an actor who can be versatile.He is that typical son of NRI settled in US/UK running after girls.That's all he can do in his life.
He cannot play something like Don.It requires a skilled actor.
The new Don is kind of a circus.Should be nominated ofr world's worst movie.I dare not say anything about the great man who has done it in the 70s.