RE:SRK just...
by Guddi on Oct 22, 2006 03:10 AM Permalink
Dina..well said !! AB is much better but unfortunately the old DON stinksss... biggg time !!! and the new DON rocks !! That 1978 movie makes me laugh..So please just go and take a break..if you didn't like the movie..well not everyone liked Lagaan also. Please dont go trying to predict BO results which is no way your business..
RE:SRK just...
by RAJ B. on Oct 21, 2006 12:44 PM Permalink
I dont know wats going with the ppl. Its such a good movie but some dumbass are finding not worth watching. May b because they are the haters of eterly talented mr King Khan. Hopefully we have only few dumbass.
I think this rediff is full of shit ppl. I dont want to come on this site. Go other site and u can find lots of good reviews on Don. Fine, I realised Kank would create some controversal as soon as i watched movie. But PPl come on, there is nothing controversal in new don, not even a single scene where u can find booring, its absolutely beautiful and glorious movie.
Don should be proclaimed FLOP on day 1. If it becomes hit, then all toms, dicks and harries will start remaking Deewar, Amar Akbar Anthony, Zanzeer, satte pe Satta and other AB's classics telling "Oh Amitabh is my icon, I grew up watching his movies"...hey that man is still ruling Bollywood,how can people forget his image and appreciate ppl like SRK doing his roles....
Hts of hypocricy: Farhan Aktar actually criticized RGV for remaking Sholay.
RE:shud be proclaimed flop
by Krishna on Oct 21, 2006 06:04 PM Permalink
Hello?DON is not a FLOP.And Farhan is right watever he did cos Sholay is gonna b a total sycho movie.
RE:shud be proclaimed flop
by Ragini on Oct 22, 2006 12:00 AM Permalink
hehehehe, your dream will remail a dream. it is the 3rd day of release here in Dubai and I had no choice but returning back from cinema hall. Though I watched at very first day but just wanted to give more tribute to SRK but kya karen long Qs out there and houses are full.
Well he seems to be telling that this movie should be avoided but i really don't understand whether he is bashing the movie or praising the movie.
He is not consistent at all regarding the movie.
What he is tell It is just a tribute. well do you need to be expert to tell that when Farhan & SRK themselves have proclaimed that it is just a tribute to the movie DON and Amitabh
He criticised KANK like the hell but the movie wasn't that bad either. Infact I am thankful there were other review at that point of time. As a result of which i watched KANK and i liked it a lot.
i went to see this armed upto the teeth after the disappointments of laksh and alvida but i came out marvelling about srk and farhan who have given us a atmospheric stylish thriller wirh some edge of the seat sequences and some ensemble action sequences , kudos to the entire team for making the best thriller or crime caper to hit us since khaki , but srk excels and is a worthy king khan giving his best since swades , as a commercial movie it is slick and appealing but it has another dimension too that magic which is spontaneous rather then put in and it works , even priya acts here and boman is really one of the best villains ever the twists in the movie are very credible and ingenuous , i was floored and i wish luck to farhn and srk for future too by the way the 2 songs from the origonal are definitely better here then before and the same goes for the movie as for my money just watching kareena iv the first reel loking dazzling as ever was capital returned with interest definite 4 stars
If you wanna know what's the Jock of The Year 2006,then come to ur nearest cinema hall and watch the movie DON.And u must reveal "Shah Rukh as DON is The Jock of The Year 2006".Ohh listen, must bring Amritanjan while watching DON.
At times your reveiws are very difficult to comprehend , not able to figure out what exactly you're trying to say. Just had to scroll down to see the rating i.e **