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by Harshandu Sonecha on Oct 20, 2006 07:26 PM  Permalink 

Mr. Sen is confused. Is he hating or loving New Don is not clear

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by Aditi on Oct 20, 2006 07:16 PM  Permalink 

I think farhan And team has done really good work.

Shah rukh is as usual performed brilliantly. the movie is worth watching and it will definitely going to be a big hit. I personally give it 5 stars. good work guys, keep it up.

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Wat the heck....
by Parth on Oct 20, 2006 07:14 PM  Permalink 

Whoever's written this review,DID NOT GET FREE TICKETS FOR THE MOVIE FROM THE PRODUCERS for sure.....My friend,go take a break,u r TOO TIRED OF WRITING REVIEWS.....Have you totally lost it? Or should i say,ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND???? Had it not been for the so-called "tacky" twists,Why o why would anyone want to go in for the movie? As for Farhan owning Hollywood DVDs,name one action movie in the last decade that hasnt copied a scene from The Matrix etc.....Seriously man,its time u let the audience write the reviews,because u my friend,are more of a Nut with a keyboard under his hand and ZERO,in figures,thats '0' brains........DON ROCKS!!!! ITS THE BEST........

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grow up raja sen
by Naveen on Oct 20, 2006 06:57 PM  Permalink 

raja sen ..man ur review sucks..people, dont go by his comments..genuinely feel dat farhan has done a commendable job..any cinema lover would definitely enjoy it..found it a real tribute to the old DON

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2006 don is very excellent
by devesh on Oct 20, 2006 06:55 PM  Permalink 

guys.go out to your cinema hall to watch don it is very nice movie

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bad review but an excellent movie
by Nitin on Oct 20, 2006 06:49 PM  Permalink 

I was surfing and was just checking the mail when i decided to see the review. I really got shocked after reading the movie. The review were quite a contrast to the actual movie.

Each and everyone except for the Kareena has given an excllent performance. The movie is quite interesting, don't go there with a pre-determined mind and you will be pleaseantly surprised by the end of the movie.

I am serious, you will!!

Hats off To Farhan.

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mind blowing and still sexy
by usman khawaja on Oct 20, 2006 06:43 PM  Permalink 

this ia a stylish yet intelligent thriller and improvises vastly on the origonal in every department , your reviewer is a naive man his views are amusing but childish get him a crash course in the art of reviewing movies taran adarsh and him can go to the same class maybe richard sckickel has sometime for them though i doubt it as they are both infantile

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It is a really bad review
by Jayesh on Oct 20, 2006 06:36 PM  Permalink 

I think Raja got mixed up while watching the movie or while writing the movie.

TThe review doesn't go as per the movie and acting of Boman and SRK goes.

In fact Boman has really played a superb role. Raja should think twice before giving a review.

Infact he ignored Isha Kopikar altogehter!!!!!!. I can't believe that Not a single review expert would do that. I really wonder what the rediff is gaining by employing him.

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