the film can not be compared with the old classic cult movie starring big B . but common man , give farhan akhtar a break yaar ... at least he has tried to make a great effort... and in that he has not blatantly copied the old one , he has tried to insert his own elements in the movie ... whatever dude ... I liked the movie ... and i am THE PUBLIC ...aur public ko agar pasand aa rahi hai .... to who cares about the reviews ...
I am sure new "Don" is an Fantastic, amazing ride of with some new twists & plots. Well, only if you end up comparing scene by scene with the old one..**you will end up giving a stupid confused review like this**.
DON was a real dissapointment. It sucked BIG TIME. Don't waste your time & money on this movie,go watch JAANEMANN instead. It is total PAISA VASOOL. JAANEMANN ROX.
if u luv some cool stunts..some gr8 background music just like mission impossible....and are cool fan of shahrukh and priyanka you are goin to love it...starting 20 mins is not so good after that it takes u slowly as it advances....the plot is known except for a gr8 twist in the end....also this is not comparable with earlier don..coz the situations and the time depicted is different..the music is fast paced...and the actors are different too....only minus thing of movie is the goons which have been depicted as dons friends...they are not respectable in their roles...anyway watch out its better than other movies going around.....jess
Shah Rukh's performance in DON is superlative. Rediff needs better reviewers. It appears as if the ones the rediff has, are there just to belittle him or just that they don't know what an action or performance is. They should take some lessons in writing reviews before they jump into THE BANDWAGON OF writing reviews.
Rather than viewing his performance from a different point of view, it clearly appears that they always, always, always want to discredit him. This is not at all journalism. It is a great pity that we have to put up with these pseudojournalists.
The reviewers better stop comparing him with Amitabh and others. Shah Rukh has his own style. One has to have the knowledge and understanding about the "action/performance" to write a review or criticism. It is getting to a point where it appears that they are paid to just make negative remarks about his performance no matter what and how well he performs. This is very, very sad. This negative criticism is not healthy at all.
I dont agree with the review, I saw the movie at JAM, Noida, and all people were clapping at the end of the movie, even at the half time people sensed that it will be differnet. and it was amazing climax.
i think before publishing anything rediff should try to have a better editor i suppose. i watched the movie yesterday it was very good.and wait i dont know why so much fuss is being around this one. when all other movies were copied no one created any problem when farhan openly stated he wants to remake this everyone is after him.i felt srk was at his best in this and by the way being a critic one should accept certain facts i dont know much abt this reviewer i even dont know how many reviews he has written.i felt as if i was seeing something new.i can surely say that its some of the people who really dont want to admit the should be versatile enough to criticise about others.i hope rediff scrutinises everything before publishing it.if the movie goes on to become a hit will rediff or the reviewer state for an open apology abt the takes years for one to create something and it take 5 min for one to criticise it.i really want to use some bad words but i want to maintain the manner.