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comment on new don
by Mallik Arjun on Oct 22, 2006 04:51 PM  Permalink 

Remaking of golden films like Don is an abuse and Non-sense attitude. It is trying to degrade and mocking at Big stars.

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Don is Superb!!!!!
by Rahul on Oct 22, 2006 04:33 PM  Permalink 

The New Don is awsome and Farhan has corrected what needed to be changed in the old film. SRK s performance is excellent and the overall film is superb!

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kuchh hajam nahi hua
by vivek anand on Oct 22, 2006 04:00 PM  Permalink 

on diwali everyone might have expected the film to come with a big bang.but it was so damp and ended with a FUSS....very sorry..

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Its little too harsh !!!!!!!!
by Prabhat on Oct 22, 2006 03:47 PM  Permalink 

Comparing from Big B 's DON is futile . One must not look up to SRK to be next Big B of industry . Indeed SRK and Farhan showen lot of guts to get into making remake of icon's super fit movie..

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No comparisons pls !
by Rejith on Oct 22, 2006 03:43 PM  Permalink 

Please dont compare Shah Rukh's Don with Amitabh's Don... Amitabh has a flair of his own, which none can ever match upto and his Don is one not to be compared with another - But Shah Rukh is one actor who definitely has played well in his Don, the "Khaike Paan Banaras" song being danced to in a different way unlike his usual stylish songs... We need to more see more of 'unstylish' Shah Rukh !!

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Don - The Revival
by Venkatraman on Oct 22, 2006 03:15 PM  Permalink 

The original classic done by Amitabh Bachan is incomparable. Shah Rukh is a fine actor and he doesn't need to don the sequel to familiarize and he can be a original to make others follow.

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Shahrukh is real DON
by ziyad on Oct 22, 2006 03:10 PM  Permalink 

Execellent performance, comparable with big B.

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u can ejoy
by kaushal on Oct 22, 2006 03:10 PM  Permalink 

Its gud... but comparison has no sense. u can watch to enjoy not to argue.

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SRK excels
by sib on Oct 22, 2006 03:00 PM  Permalink 

SRK excels, Don is superb, but your reviews are the worst

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The movie Don
by Mitali Deka Choudhury on Oct 22, 2006 02:38 PM  Permalink 

The new Don can never emulate the earlier classic Don enacted by Amitabh Bachchan.

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