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u must be kiding
by Anant Bir Singh Mangat on Apr 07, 2008 08:56 PM  Permalink 

if u dont see the Jain heart in this music then i am sorry to say that either u have no emotions of your own or your taste in music has gone to the dogs. ( i love as i am a punjabi laded hindi songs but i like soft playfull and romaNTIC TRACKS TOO!!)TO YOU MUSIC SHOULD ONLY THE DISCO TREND, THE IDIODIC HEMAISH RESHMYA STYLE ETC WHO BY THE WAY IS WORLD'S BIGGEST NASAL SINGING NUCIENCE AND ONE OF THE WORST MUSIC DIRECTORS THE BOLLYHOOD HAS. I DECLARE I HATESS HIS GUTS,IN AND OUT.

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Kick-ass review
by rahul gupta on Dec 11, 2007 04:01 PM  Permalink 

If opposition to good music and to earn booty is the main aim of this review then the review is flawless. But any single nuance of sincerity indicates a perfect rendetion by Shreya , Udit and other singers. Cant contemplate the level upto which the people have drooped in their character that they cant even appreciate beauty in simplicity...... Anyways , keep it up . Maybe it helps to relieve ur sick brains

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honestly rediff, find better critics
by Tia on Dec 01, 2006 02:27 AM  Permalink 

these guys suck, honestly u guys have no taste in music or movies, all u want to do is hold on to the old bolylwood actors, and old musicians, give the new ones a chance!

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Sukanya Verma, take a break please..
by The Rookie on Nov 27, 2006 11:32 PM  Permalink 

I have not watched Vivah, nor heard all its song. I am commenting here only to counter Sukanya Verma's impression about "Muzhe haq hain".... Thats the only song I have heard (on radio - so I dont know how it looks like onscreen). I absolutely loved the song. It suits the theme -which is supposed to be all mush and pink. The song's melodious. Its style sure does differ from today's Reshammiya - affected lyrics (One shouldnt call them songs....just like Chikungunya, Reshammiya is a virus...once struck, the songs loose their balance and sound too painful to ears) So the song sure is different, but is lovely.
Verma I think needs a break from her daily dose of over the top bouncy numbers to be able to appreciate such soft melodies...

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by prakashikhe on Nov 11, 2006 01:21 PM  Permalink 

good pretty

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vivah movie
by Malay Bhatt on Nov 11, 2006 12:16 PM  Permalink 

If people do not like movie then they need to meet a psychologist

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didn't she trashed ''black''??????
by sadert on Nov 09, 2006 07:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Oh god!!i think she is the same sukanya verma who reviewed the movie black and told us that its a sheer waste of time and money...but i think people showed wat the truth was and black was one of the biggest hit of the year..i think the basic problem wid her reviews is that she is too biased by her own tastes of music and movies(which certainly r not of very high quality) which she mistakes everytime for the taste of the nation...god help her and rediff...
PS:vivah music is good enough to spend a few bucks..go ahead..

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These people need a time check.. such a boring dumb movie+music
by Curiosity on Nov 05, 2006 03:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Stupid movie vivahs music has already proved to be a huge disappointment. Its sooo boring and outdates.. no one would listen to these songs while driving or at parties. There is only one more week b4 the release of this stupid boring movie, and it still hasnt made it to the top 10 music charts.. what the hell does that tell u ppl.. u guys over react too much only by reading the name Sooraj Barjatiya even his last movie was a flop ok soo dont chillout ppl

If u dont want to waste ur money next week, or want to simpaly have a better time watching a movie then go watch something else.. like apna sapna money money. Which will be a much better film,. Guaranteed!

Specially this unappealing couple really dont help the movie much. If they had taken some other actress maybe it would have attracted a bigger audience. Amrita just doesnt seem to stick to peoples head. She always fails to make an impression. After so many movies she is still a new girl for people, and this is not a good sign. Many actresses who came after her like Calina and Ayesha takia are much more well known by the public compared to the uninteresting Amrita rao. Shes got no personality.

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RE:These people need a time check.. such a boring dumb movie+music
by alka on Nov 24, 2006 03:20 PM  Permalink
first change ur name,then talk about movies.mr curosity

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Music Vivah
by Pushkar Mitra on Oct 27, 2006 01:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I dont know whether there is any rivalry between The critic and Ravindra Jain.
But one thing I can tell that Vivah music is wonderful...may b made in heaven.....

I am a voracious listener of Indian Tunes.......Music is my friend......
And I have found Vivah music extremely well.

With regards
Pushkar "VEDPRAKASH" Mitra

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RE:Music Vivah
by Ravi on Jan 08, 2007 03:53 PM  Permalink
Yes I agree with yiu.

Vivah misuc is extremely good.. both for the tunes and the situations.

Ravindra Jain Ji has composed to well and the poetry is really a love. Salute to this great legend.

I am delighted to hear such nice tunes after a long time.


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Vivah will be One the Best movie of the year
by Paras Shah on Oct 10, 2006 01:50 PM  Permalink 

After a long time its nice to hear a melodies music composed by legend Jain Sir ""

I agree with aboe line.

I dont agree with the author of this article.

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