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by vipin on Dec 03, 2006 11:15 AM  Permalink 

its great to see SRK in such a role... waiting for the film eagerly...

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gud 2 c
by girish on Dec 02, 2006 12:33 PM  Permalink 

its is gud 2 c srk in such type of rolls.he should do such type of movies.i am waiting 2 watch the movie.

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SRK in Coach role............
by Kd Liar on Dec 01, 2006 08:28 AM  Permalink 

Wow, gud 2 c SRK in coach role n dat 2 4 a girl's team!!!!!!!! Waiting 4 da movie 2 b released

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Are you kidding me ?
by Sri on Dec 01, 2006 02:36 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I cannot believe this makes up the "MAIN HEADLINE" for 3 days on rediff.

Come on... this is not exclusive nor it is worth the time and space to cover such dumb, idiotic situations.

Stop fooling around and present something worthwhile to your readers.

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RE:Are you kidding me ?
by Waseem on Dec 02, 2006 03:32 AM  Permalink
Even in Tibbet people know Amitabh, Amir and Hrithik!
Literacy does not comes from identity. SRK is nothin kind of literature which you are talking here. Now it's SRK problem..his identity crisis in rural India! If if you don't know this check your own literacy babydoll!
But again you ignorance is well expected..as per rule only dumbz can be fan of SRK...those who are struck with superficiality.

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RE:Are you kidding me ?
by mrugesh thaker on Apr 26, 2007 09:28 AM  Permalink
U moron do you know that DDLJ was the first Hindi movie to be a blockbuster in International market ? That movie opened a big market for Hindi movies. Till then None of the movies weather Amitabh's or anyone esle's movies were even released in London or NY. DIL SE...was the first Indian movie to get in UK top 10.TIME magazine described Khan as the most recognizable actor in the world. The Guardian newspaper similarly described Khan as 'the world's biggest film star', as per the logic that the Bollywood has a global audience of 3.6 billion, while Hollywood has 2.5 billion. He has received "Padmashree" from government. WAKE UP U MORON......

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RE:Are you kidding me ?
by Anurag on Aug 09, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink
This is not for SRK.This is for marketing by Indian or you can say YRF.

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by subho on Nov 30, 2006 07:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

is this zindagirocks guy from tibet ? half the indians dont know SRK??? oh god how illiterate can one b ? i swear..

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by Ravi on Dec 02, 2006 02:02 AM  Permalink
i agree, srk appears to doctor his movies, so that he is presented in the best possible way. thats nonsence...an actor should try to be versatile and prove his talents, rather than market himself just to satisfy his stupid ego ! learn from hollywood man.

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by ARUN KARTHIK on Feb 07, 2007 07:07 PM  Permalink

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by sneha on Dec 19, 2006 11:43 AM  Permalink
i think u r rediculos u have no work srk is the heart of the girls

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new name
by Male Coach on Nov 30, 2006 06:05 PM  Permalink 

shahrukh has definitely no proper gender, first he did "ladies-soap ad." and now he is doing the role of "ladies coach".
A time will come when he(or she??) will be seen in the ads. of-> bra, panties, lipistic, nailpolish, whisper, hair-removal-cream, periods and other ladies oriented products.
now he(or she??) has a new name- SHE-RUKH KHAN.

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RE:The Editor of Rediff Seems to be Sweeper of SRK House
by ragini on Nov 30, 2006 05:36 PM  Permalink
Hey, You look very frustrated. i am sure either u are Salman fan or Big B's.
We readers love to see srk and news related to him thats why media publish that. Why would they publish something in which people are not intersted???
Carry on rediff. make more money with SRK's support (his coverage).
And thanks for this first look.

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RE:The Editor of Rediff Seems to be Sweeper of SRK House
by Ankur on Dec 01, 2006 06:13 AM  Permalink
U r absolutely right, all the SRK movie reviews are doctored to make SRK look good, I dont understand rediff's fixation on SRK. whatever happened to creative journalism. nice to see someone looking at things the way I'm.

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Good to see some photographs of SRK new film
by Harsha on Nov 29, 2006 10:40 PM  Permalink 

Awaiting for the film release..excited to watch SRK in a coach role.

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