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Akshay in Dubai
by Manish Santosh Butala on Nov 25, 2006 03:04 PM  Permalink 

Hi Akshay,
Hello, I am Manish from Kalyan. I am your's biggest fan. My aim is, in my whole life, I want to meet you personally & talking to you & the most important thing is I want your autographed photo & your phone no, mobile no, & your email address.
Akshay, please give me all these things, if not possible, just give your autographed photo.
Thank you.
Your mostever fan,

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wheres' your ******* editing?
by Jnaneshwar on Nov 23, 2006 09:03 AM  Permalink 

You show Akshay and write it as Nana! Great efficiency! Keep it up!

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Not genuine
by Asif Ahmed Syed on Nov 23, 2006 01:03 AM  Permalink 

It doesn't look like a genuine pic to me

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Akshay in DUBAI
by Sajid on Nov 22, 2006 04:31 PM  Permalink 

Its a FAke,
we can clearly understand the The image is inputted with the help of PHOTOSHOP

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