Mammootty may be a great methodical actor in Malayalam, but I think he is too old to do the charactors that he is doing. Everybody has to mature as an actor and its time for Mammotty to do justice to his immense talent. In his younger ages he has done some really great roles; thanks to some fine directors like Padmarajan and Bharatan. But when he should be on his peak as an actor now he is satisfied doing funky roles.
He is one of the best actors we have in india. His acting abilities can be compared to the legends like Al Pacino or Kamal Hasan. I wonder why no Hindi Film makers are casting him in any meaningful roles. Well, then again.. what whould we say about a mediocre industry where movies like hum tum grabs the award for best actor!! too bad that great acting talents like him are going unnoticed.
i am great fan of mammooty. i am waiting 4 the release of this blockbaster movie......... the great star in a double role is just enougf to rock the mystical kerala , iam alsowaiting 4 his next film 'Turupgulan'.... his last hit rajamanikyam have already shown that he is the best..........
sure this film will be eagerly awaited by the malayalam film going public. mammooty is a superstar in Kerala and one of the finest actors of filmdom. i am looking forward to his latest release.
Balram v/s Tharads is most awaiting film of the year in Malayalam..Its a double treat for the fans love mammootty..And we know that it will be a sure hit especially He doesnot deliver bad performance recently...And the releasing date changed also due to some reshoot needed for movie's greatness.We will wait for the Don's and cop's comeback!!!!!!!