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hi amey
by Mitesh on Mar 19, 2006 09:35 PM  Permalink 

hi amey,it is bed that u r voted out now. but for me and my friends u r the indian idol. best of luck and wish u all the best

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by Aarti on Mar 17, 2006 02:59 PM  Permalink 

hi! amey is THE BEST

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for amay
by diana on Mar 17, 2006 11:59 AM  Permalink 

yes he could be the next indian idol but it is indias bad luck that they didn't give him the maximum number of vote but i still love amay dathe and he is the best and there is no one like him.
frankly speaking anuj didn't sing well in the galas held last week and the song chhaya chhaya doesn't suit him at all because he is very polite and the song is very energetic. anuj is less energetic for that song. i cant understand how could anuj be selected for the next galas i was hoping that there will be atuff competition between amay and karunya. it is a biggest shocking scene for me

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amey (amchi mumbai)
by riddhi on Mar 16, 2006 09:27 PM  Permalink 

he his one of the best and i think he is better that abhijeet and all the contestant of all this type of shows like fame gurukul ,sare ga ma pa and many more he is the top in all and he should not be ever compared to anyone not also singers like anu malik or any he is the best has every talent and looks and last of all he is the gr8

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close call between AM & KA....
by Hari on Mar 16, 2006 01:56 PM  Permalink 

Hai guys...
I think its Karunya this time , eventhough Amey is doing very well, I'm sure Karunya will stay 0.01% upper than Amey...Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikender..!


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Amey is a true Rock Star!!!!
by Riddhi on Mar 09, 2006 11:40 PM  Permalink 

I think and hope that Amey Date will be next indian Idol.But He has tough compititor like NC Karunya.. So may the best man wins.. Best of luck Amey & Karunya...

Lots of luv,

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Its a tie between Karunya & Amey.
by Harsha on Mar 08, 2006 11:38 PM  Permalink 

Its a tie between Karunya & Amey. Both are equally good.


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by khushboo dedhia on Mar 02, 2006 12:08 PM  Permalink 

I strongly feel that Amey will become the next Indion Idol. But in 1st seasons case i felt that Amit Sana was the best. He had versatility in his voice and was deserving to win the title.

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by misha on Mar 02, 2006 09:57 AM  Permalink 

he's the most deserving contstnt for sure...amey's not just a pretty face but a guy with unmatched talents who sings exceptionally well..also a knock out performer...he's the next indian idol...thts whti feel..all the best and god bless!!

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indian idol
by urmila shah on Mar 01, 2006 11:39 PM  Permalink 

Amongst all the contestants there are two who stand out and they are Ameya and Karunya. They have the X factor also. As a mumbaikar I would definately support Ameya but Karunya also should be there till the end for the excellent finish. It was sad to see singers like Monali and Panna go away. They were far superior to Ravi Anuj and Sandeep. The recent spat that is seen among the judges is not in good taste. They should be themselves and keep the same carmaderie as in indian idol 1.

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