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Re : Raja Sen go to your adda
by raj on Feb 26, 2006 05:28 AM  Permalink 

Lousy Person this Mr Sen what a rubbish review. How come this guy is able to work for such a reputed site Rediff. liked the movie and lot of people liked it .

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Decent Movie
by Rakesh Iyer on Feb 22, 2006 11:25 AM  Permalink 

Well other than RDB I havent seen any other movie this year that is significantly better than family. I think Bacchans acted well, and theres no abrupt change in his charachter as well as in others. YOu can expect an okay performance by the lost Aryeman, but otherwise performances have been good. The director is really good and it shows in the progression of the story which i thought was gripping within its predictable realms. I guess its a better effort than movies like Zinda which is a scene to scene copy. Give credit where its due.

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