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by subham on Dec 30, 2006 12:12 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please stop creating hype over bolywood stars.

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by subham on Jan 04, 2007 06:13 PM  Permalink
Dear Indian

Please learn to mind your language on the net.

I would rather read news about common man and his problem then wasting my time on all these Bolywood stuff.

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by Indian on Dec 31, 2006 11:55 PM  Permalink
Hey dumbass who do you want to create hype on then, freaking Hollywood stars.

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Non sense news
by Madhukar on Dec 29, 2006 11:23 PM  Permalink 

Who the hell cares about what some super star does, why should we make it a news. Media do something better, post some pics of poor people or development in the country, and save your soul.

I could care less or give a damn about what she does.

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please post something which will be useful
by Guest on Dec 29, 2006 10:59 PM  Permalink 

There are many valauble things that rediff can concentrate on rather than talking about this issue.

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Bull Shit
by Niranjan on Dec 29, 2006 07:41 PM  Permalink 

What on the hell is this we need news about culture not about persons

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Many better things to publish
by amod marathe on Dec 29, 2006 06:34 PM  Permalink 

Rediff publish \\\"QUALITY\\\" data and not this shit

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please stop
by ankur jain on Dec 29, 2006 05:23 PM  Permalink 

rediff please stop aish there are lots of other fresh news

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by Gautham Hegde on Dec 29, 2006 05:13 PM  Permalink 

can rediff do some better bussiness then putiing such news to the rediff loyalist.

even if you put a dogs picture in rediff ppl will see it so dont take this always for granted , post some intresting articles which u often do than to get swayed in such things.


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who care
by suresh on Dec 29, 2006 05:10 PM  Permalink 

who is aishwarya rai, nobody going to look this article pls. stop such articles rediff. pls.

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we dont care
by Manish Bajaj on Dec 29, 2006 05:00 PM  Permalink 

plsss maintain some standard. we used to see rediff home page more the mirror, but this kind of article are very irritable. Thanks

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