This movie is remake of Rocky 2, It is a big Flopp, Rocky2 was a great hit and audience were glued to thier seat till the movie ends, but in Aryan i doubt public would evacuate theatre in interval watching Aryan. when u have super hit story like rocky when u r making remake think 10 times and then remake it. you cannot replace silvester Stallone by any local hero who has done few flopp movies .
hey idiots.i saw the movie.u people want typical cry cry movies.some international comes up n u expect the boring.they all acted cool.and the boxing is amazing.sneha was awesome compared to lucky and she emoted well.give her a break.and sohails body rocked.become something n then talk.go watch the film people if ur not typical
by Sohail khan on Dec 17, 2006 09:27 AM Permalink
Well thanx for your reply and review on the movie let me explain you 1)We require changes to grow up as we are not too emotional now a days 2) Explainations are more importanat rather then Expressions 3)About the performances , i dnt think being a director of the superhit movies i require to have any suggestions from different people. 4) Family responce , dont you think its one of the movie to watch with family , What else , To change yourself first take a step to change your Environment. Thanx a ton
It's bad enough that Hindi Film industry has Salman Khan, why does it need anothe joker its beyond me. Which acting school did Sohil go to? May be they should revoke that school's license. Or is it just because you are son of so and so, you get an authomatic ticket to be in the circus. Does Hindi cinema have any standards for the key thing required to be in the movies, "ACTING" or does is it just require shirtless six pack? Ok granted even that's acceptable, provided you have decent looks to go with. But Sohil an actor, and the public who actully pay to go see these movies, do they have standards or no? Or is the Hindi Film industry saying that all females in India looks for six pack and not a brain or looks in the male? If I want to see a clown I would go to the circus. My advise to Sohil, he should try his hands at circus. One thing for sure, he will not have spend time on make up cause his round red nose and that goofy looking face would be a his biggest assets in his circus career.
What a stupid review! Aryan might not have been a good movie, but I'm amazed the writer chose to address the filmmakers a letter like she would to her mom or grandmom! This seems to be the trend will all of Rediff's movie reviews anyway (expect for Raja Sen's reviews) - personal tirade against filmmakers rather than a critic on the film itself. Rediff, the reviews by your pseudo high school pass journalists must stop, please!
When i first saw shails khans directorial debut i was convinced he was suffering from a condition called ASPERGERS SYNDROME.This is a condition in which the person is far from reality and is quiet immature in his thoughts and behaviour.Thats what sohail khan is, his films depicts his childish ideas while making films.He seems to live in a fantasy world of his own which is far from reality. I think he shud stopmaking films and wasting his brothers money aboveall torturing the audiences.
by Rohit Roy on Dec 17, 2006 09:23 AM Permalink
Please don't insult people with Asperger's. For anything, Sohail is a normal person just like you. If not you might be a bloody dimwit.
I like this kind of realistic views... write clearly what u think... I really like the line.. why people waste their monry on such films.. instead they should donate that to any good charity trust..