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boring movie
by ralph on Dec 17, 2006 10:25 PM  Permalink 

sohail u need to learn acting and stop showing your muscles. learn to act and then showm

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by satyakam on Dec 17, 2006 12:59 PM  Permalink 

is an abysmal excuse for a movie,is old news but , rather than being so vitriolic on Sohail khan,it would be better to atleast praise his effort of making a different movie.
Afterall, when was the last time one had seen a boxing movie?(hindi)

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Bad taste
by Sid on Dec 17, 2006 12:36 PM  Permalink 

I seriously think that the review is in bad taste and almost comes across as a personal attack on sohail khan.May be the film was the worst you'll ever see but do not try to use such language.What does no stars mean!i just think that the trust that so many people have in rediff will be lost and no ones going to belive in your reviews seriously.

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Total Bakwas
by Suresh Bhan on Dec 17, 2006 09:22 AM  Permalink 

Hi I am Suresh and I want to share my comments for the Nautanki like ARYAN my massage that everybody know that ARYAN is a first Indian YODHA but this ARYAN first Lalloo and fool. Money waste movie. thanks

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fantastic review, with a single mistake
by Riddhish on Dec 16, 2006 07:09 PM  Permalink 

The review given here was fantastic, but there was a mistake.
Basically movie reviews r to guide people about which movie 2 watch & which one not 2 watch, but frankly speaking, who would like 2 watch a sohail khan movie???
The reviewer did a lot of effort, buhis time in reviewing such a movie...
my sympathies r with the reviewer as he had 2 watch the whole movie & bear sohail khAN for 3 long hours................

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thanks rediff
by Tejas on Dec 16, 2006 06:08 PM  Permalink 

thank you rediff for one more thoroughly honest review in the world of hypocrisy of reviewers of page-3 world. Keep on giving us just the same.

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what the ?
by lokesh on Dec 16, 2006 05:45 PM  Permalink 

i m just wondering who this public is...... sneha or sohail..... wt do u reackon guys

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Aryan Sucks
by Akash on Dec 16, 2006 01:48 PM  Permalink 

Uuff..!! Sohal Khan is such a loser he has wasted his time & money in bull shit movie called Aryan..He thinks when he wears those boxer shorts he looks like a babe..Sorry to say dis but u were looking teerible wearing dat

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Priyanka, Do you really know anything about critic writing?
by perl57 on Dec 16, 2006 01:17 PM  Permalink 

Trashing a movie like you have been a spielberg or a ronaldo bertulucci is one of the worst nature in critics, especially movie critics. Are you writing to gather some comments or you really do not know how to write?? Please donto waste our time with this garbage. Just say the movie is lacking power to pull people, that will be enough. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???????????

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by Anthony d mangela on Dec 16, 2006 12:56 PM  Permalink 

This movie is remake of Rocky 2, It is a big Flopp,
Rocky2 was a great hit and audience were glued to thier seat till the movie ends, but in Aryan i doubt public would evacuate theatre in interval watching Aryan. when u have super hit story like rocky when u r making remake think 10 times and then remake it. you cannot replace silvester Stallone by any local hero who has done few flopp movies .

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