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review of aryan
by vinny on Jan 08, 2007 10:48 AM  Permalink 

Though film aryan is not a hit film but the review about it also sucks i have seen the movie it is just like any other hindi masala movie but labeled as a art movie but it does not deserve this review

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Sucks Review !!!!!!
by Aseel on Jan 03, 2007 02:21 AM  Permalink 

The movie doesnt desreve stars ??!!!!
this so funny !!
hey priyanka
your review is sucks Big Time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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this reviewer sucks..throw her out rediff
by nishant singh on Dec 26, 2006 08:23 PM  Permalink 

aryan is not a gr8 movie..useless..but still not as bad as the reviewer is potraying..

she appears to be biased, and immature...these high school paas critics in their stupid enthu, can write crap..

moreover the reviewer has not even gave a story outline,

miss priyanka and critics like you who would lick the arse of big banners..and at same time try to act intellectual for other banners.....you make a film and then we will see how good you r loser...

rediff cant you hiresome good reviwers...

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of my opinion
by narendra on Dec 22, 2006 09:16 AM  Permalink 

in there film the heroin was very good looking. i dont know who is she, but she is a sexy girl.when i was went to the film , i was only wathc to her movements.

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brillant review on aryan
by bijaya jena on Dec 19, 2006 11:56 PM  Permalink 

ms.priyanka jain's review of Aryan exposes her vast knowledge & experience about filmmaking and cinema and her undoubted and unparalleled expertise on the various technical aspects of film-making has been brought to the fore by her critique of this film. i feel she should stick to reviewing children's bedtime stories.

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Review writer is truly idiot
by Nilesh on Dec 19, 2006 03:33 AM  Permalink 

This review write Priyanka is definitely biased and a superb idiot. She did not tell anything abt the movie. And i guess if it wud have been a movie from YashRaj camp or Karan Johar.... she wud have given it 4-5 stars.
These review writers r sold items.

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by sanjeev on Dec 18, 2006 10:58 PM  Permalink 

Dear Priyanka Jain,
From the review you have written, it appears like you are from National School of Drama. At least you should have rated this movie to do justice you your job, which is earning your bread!!!

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Review writer in rediff truly biased and unfair
by Sham on Dec 18, 2006 02:04 AM  Permalink 

i agree the writer truly behaved so immaturely and condeming a film without giving rating is a very stupid and humiliating act for all efforts put by the team of Aryan . i hope the writer can make some kind of great movie tro win oscars before BADMOUTHING other peoples movie and effort.

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