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what is this!!
by jamie on Aug 15, 2006 12:39 PM  Permalink 

I am shocked with this news.A beautiful single women is not safe even in America and worse she was invited as a special guest.How can the organiser let this happen,its such a shame for the Indian community that such an incident happened when indians celebrate the independence all over.Bipasha is a smart single girl and its scarry to know that someone like her is not safe from fustrated preditors then how safe can a ordinary single woman be.Some people even commented that its bound to happen as she wears revealing clotes and plays bold roles.Please remember that she is an actress and don'tjudge her from what you see on the silver screen.What about the comming years,who is the next actress or celebrity to be mauled and made to feel its a silly joke.Now its easier for white people to harass and maul indian women as the indian community don't care.,which is evident from this incident.

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What/Who's Respect
by Suneel Prakash on Aug 15, 2006 12:26 PM  Permalink 

First thing first... Why Bipasha...?
Secondly, If her profession deserves respect then our Independence day deserves more respect as well (The Obvious) and Bipasha is not the right person to be there. Not to blame Bipasha but IBA should have thought of this.
What so ever, if she is true then, the culprits must be penalized, otherwise Gandhiji's true meaning of Independence will remain a dream.

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why sit quiet?
by sangeetha on Aug 15, 2006 12:10 PM  Permalink 


its really sick that she was treated that way and any women who goes thro this feels sick and used. i think bips needs to forget this episode and carry on the good work she is doing. many ppl who think she is the sex symbol and needs to be treated that way. but i think these days even actresses like rani and preity who claim tobe so called good girls also expose like hell, and rani looks ugly all the more...why arent such actresses been pointed out? cos they have big movies to do? sick indian mentality. but bips i hope u wudnt break ur head over this. i know its sick but come out of it...next time i think u shud have someone with u next time..no one is reliable. and atleast if someone ever tires to do something like this u will have a witness. anyways take care bye

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Bips Nightmare
by Naresh on Aug 15, 2006 11:16 AM  Permalink 

It was bad on her part not to lodge an official compliant. She should have done so, so that the guilty would have been brought to book and justice done. Anyway, if the organisers are sensible enough still they can take action against the people who had misbehaved with her so that the reputation of the organisation is restored.


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This is barbarism
by Malay on Aug 15, 2006 10:15 AM  Permalink 

This is really barbarism.

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what goes around comes around
by manoj on Aug 15, 2006 10:03 AM  Permalink 

First the organizers should be blamed for inviting such a show girl on this auspicious occasion. it was ok if she was a great actress but for some one who just uses nudity to proclaim her talent gives out wrong signals and if some thing distasteful happends immediately becomes a bharathiya nari...to think that there kind of people are the icons for youth today is more scary than being ruled by british..

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IBA of NJ president must resign for misbehaviour with Bipasha
by Rajan Desai on Aug 15, 2006 09:57 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am the witness of entire event.

Bipasha is correct and we all ashamed by few individuals who have behaved extremely rudely and abused her innocence.

Individuals are a nephew of Quality Auto Center's owner and his very good friend.

On behalf of Bipasha, I like all to join and ask the president of IBA of NJ to resign immediatly and publicly apologise to all Indian citizens and Bipasha.

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RE:IBA of NJ president must resign for misbehaviour with Bipasha
by Prabal on Aug 21, 2006 12:08 AM  Permalink
Great GOing dear! Bips is famous and beautiful and talented and she always speaks the truth unlike other actresses'.

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Bip Harassed
by Manjeet on Aug 15, 2006 09:45 AM  Permalink 

1st of all no body should be harassed anywhere in anyway of harassment.2nd She is not the right person who should lead from front on such a big occassion. She should not be late for a big occassion and should not forget she is not in India where coming late is a well prestige symbol. She spoke out is really admireable. Organisor should investigate what , when, why happen ?

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Bipasha being harassed in New Jersey
by dravya on Aug 15, 2006 09:05 AM  Permalink 

"Well i am not sure what complaint Ms.Bipasha is saying,all i am concerned is everyone deserves to be respected".When she was invited the organizers have to see the well being and the comfort of the guest no matter what profession they come from .When she wanted to say as what happened to her and the reason for being late,People on the dias where in constant effort of stopping her from speaking,this shows how unprofessional they were.I was among the thousands who saw this dramatic situation that was held in new jersey .It should be in the soul to respect people and respect our country,and please respect the right of freedom and speech.

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Turn to Mallika Then....
by Sushil on Aug 15, 2006 09:01 AM  Permalink 

Mallika Sherawat would have been a better choice, atlest she wouldnt have resisted to organizers harassment.

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