This is not the first time that this kind of treatment is met by the indian artists abroad. Similar complaints were made by Vasundara Das who had been to US for a show few months back. So I wonder whether police escort is necessary for the security of women in US....
Was is not a mistake to call a personality ,who has done precious little for the country,to lead the parade.This trend to call the film stars to lead the parade will only add some misplaced glamor to the function.The organiser seem to be a band of uninformed bunch of showmen,They do not seem to be awre that the flavor of indian culture is not the film stars but the infosys,the Amul,the Baba Amtes and tndulkars and not the skin deep appeal of glamor.Will some one tell them where the heart of India lies?
It's sad that the Organisation did not get individual who could have graced the event. It's time for all the Indian organisations across the world to showcase India by inviting intellectuals, professionals who have spent quite a time on their workarea and could lead as an example for the Indian Kids outside India.
Acharya, james and achuthan are quite right...... A skimpy actress meant to lead a parade of a nation that USED TO stand for integrity..... Mera Bharat Mahan!!
I appreciate Bipasha for coming up in public with her claim.
To those people out there who point out their finger towards others,... Hey you know that, the rest of the four fingers are just pointing towards YOU. No one can just be perfect.
Before we get carried away just by mere allegations, It is more justified to wait until we know the truth. If Bipasha is correct, then the guilty MUST be punished.
We live not just for bread,butter, and money, more than that we live for our self-respect too. Otherwise, we would have stopped many suicidal deaths...!? Think about it.
dear bips forget u s a in india i am harazed in my own road i have no safty,my area is duffering due to 2 min they scould my entire family.whom should i say to u s a is still better becouse here i a mharrased becouse i am black