Those who call Bipasha a sultry siren are the ones who bludy watch such movies and scenes over and over again. Pigs. She is an entertainer and a professional. Whoever has misbehaved should be put to task.
President of the IBA did not manage this event with seriousness. His own family member has carried out this harresment to Bipasha, who is completely innocent and cares for the fellow indians.
I wish many success to Bipasha in her personal and professional carrier and thanking her for the bold and eye opening step to those who has low values for Indian women.
I was there, I heard what Bipasha had to say. I also heard that people who went to pick her up were made to wait for an extended time. "This is not Mumbai and such nonsense would be hard to tolerate." These guys apperantly gave her tongue lashing for her "nakhra"s and she got all bent out of shape about it. She decided to teach them a lesson by taking up microphone and claim being "humiliated." Who is telling truth?
She should have informed to the organisers about her itinary well before her arrival at US. It is very hard to believe. Request to organisers to publish the truth after thorough investigation.
bips says she is from a respectable proffession. as far as the extent of knowledge goes the proffession has never commanded any type of respect. All the respect that the filmwallas are getting are only due the money they have. She cannot expect a better treatment in US only with the money. I am not at all surprised. What is her contribution to be a leader. Bipisha leads- ugh!
i don't think she is some one for this day. never feels the allegations true. anyway it is very embrassing for us if it is true or otherwise too. only indians were involved, that too while celebrating the 60th independence!!! it shows off the kind of moral we indians have